More Anti-Gun Lies

Man Joan just has to be straight up dumb to write this:

If you have been reading this blog, you know that I have been writing about how often “law abiding” gun owners and gun permit holders have been shooting other people or causing trouble in our communities. Owning a gun comes with risks. I wrote about this in my latest 2 blog posts. In fact, if you decide to own a gun for self protection, you need to realize that gun owners are more at risk than non gun owners in an assault

Of course her link to the “Study” is Broken, here’s the study. Its old, and heavily rebuked From the study itself:

However, compared with control participants, shooting case participants were significantly more often Hispanic, more frequently working in high-risk occupations1,2, less educated, and had a greater frequency of prior arrest. At the time of shooting, case participants were also significantly more often involved with alcohol and drugs, outdoors, and closer to areas where more Blacks, Hispanics, and unemployed individuals resided. Case participants were also more likely to be located in areas with less income and more illicit drug trafficking

Read that as “The people most likely to be shot are people who CRIMINALLY posses a firearm, likely while engaging in illegal activities”.

Joan is demanding lawful gun owners give up their guns, and claims that gun owners make us LESS safe. Meanwhile the people committing the overwhelming bulk of violent crimes are people who are already classified as illegal criminals.

This is also how the Arthur Kellermann study was framed. He made no exception to weather the attacker or the defender was engaging in a legal activity at the time of the shooting, nor did he care if the people WITH the guns legally owned them. Kellermann used further deceit by qualifying that a successful “Self Defense” meant a dead body in your house. In lawful gun defense the bulk of these events have no shots fired, or non-fatal wounds.

Nonfatal gun woundings are far more frequent than fatal shootings. In 1985 Cook reviewed data that indicate that about 15% of assault-linked gunshot wounds known to the police are fatal, implying a ratio of about 5.67 (85/15) reported nonfatal assaultive gun woundings to each fatal one. Assuming the same applies to legal civilian defensive shootings, there were between 6,300 and 15,300 reported nonfatal, legally permissible woundings of criminals by gun-armed civilians in 1990. Combining the defensive killings and nonfatal woundings, there are about 7,700 to 18,500 reported legal shootings of criminals a year, which would be less than 1% of all defensive gun uses. The rest of defensive gun uses, then, involve neither killings nor woundings but rather misses, warning shots fired, or guns used to threaten, by pointing them or verbally referring to them.

They are selling fear via misdirection. How about this study, Joan? Look at the number of guns being bought in NICS Checks! Joan Herself noticed the ammo shortages….yet violent crime is DOWN. Can you guess who’s responsible for people thinking its UP?

Still the crux of this blatant and calculated lie is to hide what lawful gun owners have been saying FOREVER! ENFORCE THE LAWS ON THE BOOKS!

We don’t even NEED NICS Background checks, bans on magazines or firearms types, bans on certain weapons. Hell even Carry permits are irrelevant here. If you are a convicted felon you cannot own a gun. PERIOD…FULL STOP! Doesn’t matter if its a .50 BMG rifle, an AR-15, a Glock with a 33 round magazine, or a pink cricket .22 Rifle. If you are a felon, and you are possessing any form of firearm you are committing a crime, you can be charged with a crime, and you can have all guns in your possession taken away from you.

If you don’t have a criminal record, but you are committing a felony while possessing a gun YOU ARE COMMITTING A CRIME AND CAN BE CHARGED AND PROSECUTED, AND CAN HAVE ALL YOUR GUNS TAKEN AWAY FROM YOU!!

Simply Enforce the Laws on the Books, and dump all the extra crap. Cops should be rounding up the known, armed criminals, and frankly we should be locking them up forever, or executing them. I don’t say this for any sense of justice, or for retribution, but just for public safety. (you know, the thing that Joan CLAIMS motivates her as she shills for violent criminals)

Again the law could simply leave those of us who play by the rules alone, and even lay off on the bullshit we need to go through, and just stick it to the criminals.

Hell I just googled “Chicago Shooting”, and I got an article fresh from the presses:

Shootings left three men dead and at least 14 others wounded from early Saturday afternoon to early morning Sunday, according to authorities.

In the most recent shooting, at 4:35 a.m. Sunday morning, a man was killed and three women shot near the intersections of Springfield and Wilcox avenues in the East Garfield Park neighborhood on the West Side.

The man, 24, was dead on arrival at Mount Sinai Hospital after suffering a shot to the chest, police said. One of the women, 21, was in serious-to-critical condition at Mt. Sinai after being shot in the chest and back. Another woman, 23, had her condition stabilized at Mount Sinai after being shot in both feet, and the third woman, 20, suffered a graze wound and refused transport to a hospital.

Additional details about the circumstances surrounding that shooting weren’t immediately available.

We don’t need much to dig into the very numbers Joan is pushing. There IS no legal carry of any kind in Illinois right now. So there’s a felony, and all of these guns could have been confiscated by police on the spot. I think we don’t need to stretch far to know that these people were likely involved in gang activity and by proxy the illegal drug trade.

The fact that the antis work so hard to hide these facts, while working double-time to conflate the legal gun owners with these criminals shows exactly how nefarious they are.

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3 Responses to More Anti-Gun Lies

  1. Eck! says:

    Why am I not surprised… Simple, I’ve maintained that besides taking money to
    be an obtuse shill on the subject she is apparently incapable of critical thought or for
    that fact consistent train of thought.

    Cognitive dysfunction is treatable but like many mental disorders it should mean her husband has to lock up the guns… oh right he does.


  2. Old NFO says:

    No surprises from her… same ol, same ol…

  3. Pingback: Sci Show on Gun Control | Weer'd World

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