More Sick Racism

I wish I was making this up!

Like the fictional defendant in the film, black America knows all too well that in this country, the promise of equal justice for all is often a hollow one. That is never more true than in cases where a black man or boy is killed by a non-black.

Got that? Now its not just the “Crackers” that are ruining it for everybody, its everybody who isn’t black. Oh BTW Zimmerman would be considered “Black” in the Jim Crow South, but I guess right now he isn’t black enough for this racist author.

There will be much debate in the coming days about whether the not guilty verdict in the Zimmerman self-defense trial was the right or wrong outcome. Experts will analyze the strategy, tactics and performance of the prosecutors and the defense attorneys, seeking to explain it. This, however, will miss the bigger and more important point: In truth, when black boys and men are killed by non-blacks, more often than not, justice will not be served.

Sounds like a rush to judgement if you ask me. What the blacks seem to be calling for is a good-old-fasioned lynching.

Many black parents will try to explain to their children, especially their sons, what to make of the verdict, and they may be at a loss for words. How is it possible that a black child, walking where he had a right to walk, doing absolutely nothing wrong, could be pursued, confronted and ultimately shot dead by a neighborhood watch volunteer — and the killer escape punishment?

Hey, if you don’t start beating on strangers to show how tough and badass you are, you might be amazed at how much longer you live. Also avoiding illegal drugs and gang activities is a nice way to live a safer life.

Often, the killers are never even charged and brought to trial, which is precisely the course that the Zimmerman case would have taken were it not for the protests of African-Americans and others across the country.

Again it was a lynch mob. The Sanford Police declined to prosecute. The FBI found no wrongdoing. Still they insisted on a trial, and insisted on the trumped-up Murder 2 charge. The fact is, Zimmerman should have never been tried as it was known from the beginning that there was no crime, and no racism.

Its the racists that painted Zimmerman not only as “White” but as a racist “White Supremacist”.

Now, my heart is heavy, not merely because Zimmerman was acquitted, but also because we as a nation have yet to make Atticus Finch’s words ring true. Until we do — until our courts are really “the great levelers” in which “all men are created equal,” African-Americans killed by non-blacks will not find justice in a system that fails to demand accountability for their lost lives.

Yep, string up all the non-blacks because they’re all guilty!

Can you imagine if a white person was writing this hateful crap???

We’re re-entering the new Jim Crow south, only its “Johnny Dove”.

I’ll close with this racist shit!

You don’t control armies? You Don’t Control Banks? You Don’t Control the Jobs?

Barack Obama, Eric Holder, and before them Condi Rice, Colin Powell.

Racists go to hell!

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