Sen. Rand Paul strongly signaled Sunday that he’s interested in running for president in 2016, saying the Republican Party needs something different than “cookie-cutter conservatives.”
The Kentucky senator, who has been watching his star rise in the party and last weekend won the annual straw poll at the Conservative Political Action Conference, stressed in an interview with “Fox News Sunday” that he doesn’t know yet whether he will run for president.
But asked about his plans, he said he’s already talked with Republican National Committee leaders about the “things I think we need to do” to be competitive across the country. He said the party needs more libertarian policies — which Paul is known to stand for — in order to attract younger voters. Paul said it’s important to have a candidate who “would appeal across the left-right paradigms.”
Its time to cull the old guard of anti-freedom Republicans, as they’re only good at losing elections and the hearts of the American people!
It’d be nice for people to be able to vote for someone rather than just voting against the other guy.
He’s gonna lose the nomination to Rick Perry. You heard it here first.
I dunno if I can agree with that. Granted Rick might be the next choice if we go by the losing strategy that got Bob Dole, John McCain, and Mitt Romney as our nominees. He’s done his time so he DESERVES the nominiation.
Still Perry did very poorly in his Presidential run, I have to question your prediction. I’d take him over Newt Gingrich, or Rick Santorum, but do we NEED to make such a choice? Also while I suspect he’d poll a little better on the national scene than many of the other faces we’ve been seeing, I don’t know if he can win a general election, and I wonder how good a President he’d be.
Silly Weer’d, since when does the national Republican party care about anything besides “It’s his turn”?
The talk right now is how the Republicans need to change to beat the Democrats, but I’m afraid they won’t have to. The eb and flow happens with either the losing side adapting, or the winning side getting cocky and shooting themselves in the foot (ahem- “common sense gun reform”). That is another reason to hate the current gun control push. I think we were really close to shifting the GOP to be more libertarian.
Check your inbox. Wait until you see what Paul plans on doing in the Senate with Gun Control Laws!
If I had to make a wild-assed prediction based on nothing more than my own cynicism, the 2016 elections will roll around, and Paul will be in the same position Johnson was, after much the same treatment from the established Republican Old Guard.
Time will tell, I guess.
The only difference is that Johnson was essentially politically invisable before the primary started, while Paul has a running start.
I’m hoping for Paul to run. I’m tired of socialist or socialist-lite as a choice.