My Heart Feels Like an Aligator!

“>The anti-gun bills are dead!

And the antis are all in a tizzy over yet another crushing loss.

PEG has asked supporters to use a long stupid hastag. Too bad they don’t have supporters!

Not a single one! LOL!

Albert Brooks is showing he’s a prime example of “Shut up and Sing”. He’s a brilliant actor, writer, and director, but when it comes to reality he doesn’t have much hope:
Albert Brooks Anti-gun

Sorry Albert, but yelling “Fire” is 100% legal already. Now falsely raising a panic that can cause severe injury or risk is a crime…much like committing a criminal act with a gun is. Oh, but I guess we aren’t having a logical discussion here. You ARE against guns.

Also nice to know a person demanding that modern firearms that have been ruled as protected by the 2nd Amendment by the highest court in the land, as well as anybody who can read the text of the Bill of Rights is bitching about it on an internet media source read by millions. I R O N Y!

Speaking of free speech:

Patricia Maisch, a hero of the Tucson shooting that left six dead and another 13 wounded, including former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.), was escorted by police out of the Capitol Wednesday for telling senators that they should be ashamed of themselves for blocking a provision requiring background checks for gun sales….Outside the Senate chamber Wednesday, Maisch was surrounded by reporters. “When I was told it was done, I decided that I could not stay still any longer, that they need to be ashamed of themselves,” she said. “They have no souls. They have no compassion for the experiences that people have lived through … [having] a child or loved one murdered by a gun. They say that it’s not the gun, it’s the man. I’m here to tell you … The man and the gun become intimate and they cannot do the act without each other. So the gun is part of the problem.”

She used her free speech to break the rules she agreed to by entering the senate chamber. Also I love how people have “no Souls” for not passing laws that would have done NOTHING to stop the event she was involved with. The jerk who shot up the Tucson mall passed a background check, and thanks to a “Progressive” system was passed over multiple times for criminal charges….you know because that insane murderer was such a “GOOD BOY” who was “Turning His Life Around”.

Last up is President Obama’s petulant tears at his press conference:

I was picking up dinner at a local pizza place and this was on TV. We were all watching, as as I was watching I noticed what was likely the bulge of an IWB holster in the man in front of me.

Obama, you not only lost America, but you lost Massachusetts. GAME OVER!

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2 Responses to My Heart Feels Like an Aligator!

  1. Divemedic says:

    But, as was illustrated by the Boston event, the man CAN perform the act without the gun. I have been wondering if the bombing had any effect at all on the vote…

  2. BornLib says:

    Knowingly false statements are what are unprotected speech.

    So what is a knowingly false way to keep and bear arms? Fake weapons? Pretending to have a weapon?

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