Nothing To Hide

You hear this often when various 4th Amendment violations are proposed. “If you have nothing to hide, why do you care?” Well because we ALL have something to hide:

We’re all breaking the law in one way or another. Its physically impossible for police to enforce all these infractions. What IS possible is you to face charges for innocent behavior that to your knowledge is legal, OR for you to get on somebody’s radar and have them simply watch you until they can strike.

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One Response to Nothing To Hide

  1. harry sucio says:

    Nice that this was a video focused on CA law – our legislature believes that their job is to pass as many laws as possible. He forgot to eat some foie gras, or use a gas powered leaf blower (which I wish they would actually enforce). Maybe make a porno without a condom. Or the favorite ignored laws of CA-politicians, cross the border illegally, or drive without a license or insurance, oh but it’s discrimination to enforce those (like leaf blowers). But we all know the biggest threat to life in CA – people who own plastic boxes with springs in them that hold more than 10 rounds, or neutered AR-15s with these stupid bullet buttons. Lock those people up right away!
    LAPD patrol hardly ever pulls over drivers who commit traffic violations right in front of them (patrol vs. traffic), they are too busy responding to calls for real violent crimes. But let’s make everything illegal anyway!

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