Politics of Bizzaro World

This article sent to me by Les is just beyond strange.

With Bill de Blasio taking office as mayor in January, New York City appears poised for a resurgence of liberal policies.

After 20 years of Republican leadership, not only will America’s largest city have the most liberal mayor in a generation, helping him implement change will be a progressive-leaning City Council and a longtime liberal ally in the new public advocate.

The city was governed for the last 12 years by Michael Bloomberg, a political independent who was first elected as a Republican, and for eight years before that by Republican Rudolph Giuliani.

To observers as well as Democratic legislators, the last election marked a major change in New York City politics, with a new breed of highly liberal politicians ready to enact a series of progressive policies that would have been dead on arrival under Bloomberg or his predecessor Giuliani.

WTF?? OK there might be some that MIGHT argue that Rudi Giuliani was a Republican. These would be the same political half-wits that would argue that John McCain and Mitt Romney were also Republicans. Yes Bloomberg was elected as a “Republican”, but this was simple political strategy for Bloomberg to enter an empty primary rather than blow all his campaign money fighting against another Authoritarian Democrat, since Bloomberg had always been a Democrat.

We experience the same odd politics in Boston, where the people are just SO desperate for an overbearing mother that they CONSTANTLY re-elect incompetent and obnoxious Authoritarian “Progressives”.

It will be interesting to see what constitutes a “resurgence of liberal policies”. Maybe more Marxist Authoritarianism? Maybe more crackdowns on 1st, 4th, and 2nd Amendment rights? Maybe more bans of commonplace items?

Wow those “Republicans” will be HORRIFIED at what happens to their Conservative Enclave!

Who writes this crap with a straight face?


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3 Responses to Politics of Bizzaro World

  1. Joe in PNG says:

    A few predictions:
    1) The NYC crime rate will be rocketing right up into the atmosphere
    2) Lots and lots of strikes by various public unions
    3) The city will go back to nasty and dingy

  2. TS says:

    You could argue that Bloomberg was fiscally conservative, so now they have someone who’s into wealth distribution.

  3. DaddyBear says:

    I’m voting for John Jackson. That Jack Johnson fellow just isn’t what I’m looking for.

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