Pro Rape

Amazing Video on so many levels:

First up I love the Fact that the Republican noted it was about FEELING safer, rather than actually being safer, and that the anti-rights people value FEELING more than reality.

Further love the “just surrender to the rapist” mentality, and the fact that it was a WOMAN saying it is even more appalling.

h/t Billll

**UPDATE** The video has been pulled by the Denver Post, I’ll do what I can to find a legal copy, until then I found this article talking about the video.

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9 Responses to Pro Rape

  1. Bubblehead Les says:

    So it seems that the Anti-Gunners have now received Marching Orders from their Political Masters to tell Women (the FASTEST growing segment of New Gun Owners) that they “…should just relax and enjoy it.”

    But Hey! These Political Minions have their own Tax Payer funded Security Forces at their Work Place, and I’m sure that THEY have NO Problem getting Gun Permits to keep their Homes safe, right?

    So now the Anti-Gunners support Rape AND Murder by the Goblins with their Legislation.

  2. Old NFO says:

    Absolutely pathetic responses, and yeah the woman is just plain stupid (but she IS old and ugly, so doesn’t have to worry about rape)…

    • Weerd Beard says:

      In all seriousness I read about rapists attacking old women in their home, and in nursing homes.

      Sadly the resemblance of this violent act to the physical act of love is purely coincidental.

    • Kalaryn says:

      Unfortunately the video was removed by the Denver Post so I didn’t get a chance to see it.

      But in response to Old NFO, it is my understanding that it doesn’t matter what you look like or how old you are that determines whether you are raped or not. From what I understand rapist rape not for the sexual pleasure but for the thrill of control. There is a whole psychology behind rapists and sex offenders.

      I am sure if I had seen the video it would have pissed me off to no end for certain though.

      Side note: I hate capcha

  3. DS says:

    So, just give them what they want?

    What if they want to kill you after they rape you?

    People should be encouraged to effectively fight for their lives.

  4. Pigbomb says:

    I wish I hadn’t seen this so early in the morning. I’ve been fuming. On a good note, I’m still not hungry.

    If this “woman” had an R next to her name, this would be all over the news. It would happen faster if she were a man. WAR ON WOMYN!!!! But no. She’s got a D, and is part of the “right” side of this debate, so ridiculous comments like hers are swept under a rug and placated with an insincere apology to the victim. When did the focus on women’s rights shift from protecting and keeping safe those that were already alive to this BS?

    Rape isn’t pretty. Assault of any kind isn’t pretty. Like Collins mentioned– it’s not something that goes away. Just when you think you’ve put the experience behind you, the most benign trigger can set you off– a fiance trying to cuddle with you in your sleep can feel like your assailant forcing himself on top of you. A cop stopping you for speeding reminds you of the officer taking your testimony. It’s one of the most horrific experiences I have endured in my life, and six years later, I am still enduring it.

    When I hear a woman who (I’m assuming) hasn’t experienced rape try to discredit a victim using statistics and other ignorance, it’s mean and offensive. Sure, he could have used my pistol against me. But isn’t taking a chance to prevent rape worth it to protect the lives of JUST ONE WOMAN? Apparently not.

  5. Pigbomb says:

    And, FWIW, I’m pissed off enough that writing to her is tops on my agenda:

    State Senator – District 19
    200 East Colfax Ave, Room 330
    Denver, CO 80203
    Capitol Phone: 303-866-4840
    E-Mail: [email protected]

  6. Stuart the Viking says:

    Humans have this mental trick where they will go through the most amazing mental contortions to protect themselves from being “wrong”. I believe it has something to do with protecting one’s self worth. To be wrong, is to be worthless. Sometimes it can make us say/believe the most horrible things and get us into trouble. I sincerely hope that these statements are successfully used against her when it comes time for re-election.


  7. Kalaryn says:

    The video was taken down so I didn’t get a chance to see it.

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