Quote of the Day: Blood Dancing

I must say there is a unique feel to how anti-rights lobby for their cause:

But with the families of Sandy Hook students in the Senate gallery and a flurry of gun rights phone calls flooding Senate offices, it was hard to imagine how much more emotion could be brought to bear. Aides to senators supporting the bill said that only outside circumstances, like another mass shooting, might cause those who voted “no” to reconsider their positions.

“It’s almost like you can see the finish line, but you just can’t get there,” said Andrew Goddard, whose son, Colin, was hurt but survived the shooting at Virginia Tech. “It’s more annoying to be able to see it and not get to it.”

Last night’s vote on the background check bill closes the recent chapter in anti-gun forces pushing bills, vs the old norm of them simply being on the defensive attempting to defeat pro-gun bills. The only reason for this brief shift was the shooting at Sandy Hook.

You see they can’t actually argue the MERITS of their bills, they need to have fresh blood to push bans, and sadly people like Mr. Goddard and his son Colin, as well as the other forces in the Brady Campaign, the VPC, and the MAIG are hoping for another mass killing, because they are dead in the water without it.

H/t Mrs. Weer’d

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