Quote of the Day: Sheep

I was really amazed by this post of Joyce Foundation-Stooge Jason “Baldr” Kilgore.

Here’s a scenario for you: You arrive to your home, expecting that no one is present. But when you arrive, you find a thief has broken in and is currently trying to rob the place. You’re alone, but armed. They appear unarmed, and upon seeing you, try to run away. What do you do?

Do you turn and drive away, then call 911?

Or do you pull your gun and start shooting?

I’ve seen this scenario reported from time to time, and all too often the gun guys pull their gun and start blasting. Consider, for instance, the following newsreport, from Myrtle Creek, in gun-happy southern Oregon…My comment on that first article was, “Nothing I own is worth killing over.”

So Jason has resorted to trolling for blogfodder. I guess I can’t blame him, even with a Joyce Grant he can’t manage to throw up more than two posts a month…if I post less than twice in a day I feel like I’ve let my readers down.

Still he cherry picks between the random couch commandos who are arguing with him on the news board, but frankly the big glaring thing that got me is weather he’s lying or THAT bad a person.

You see, Mr. Kilgore lives with his wife and two children.

NOTHING in your house is worth killing over? Look I understand the cherry-picked statement he’s trying to make. I’ve got a box of old clothes and things that once I fill I’ll cart to a donation center…I guess if somebody steals it, its kinda doing me a favor. Same with if I looked out my door and saw some jerk walking down the street with my lawnmower. Yeah that’s a few hundred dollars I’m out….but frankly I wouldn’t shoot a man in the back over it.

But its not like home invasions work like that.

Jason, can you picture your wife under the blur? Can you imagine your children watching this in horror? What if the thug wasn’t JUST content in beating your wife to death and instead wanted to rape her and your kids?

My wife is worth killing for, and I hope nobody tests me on that. And you think I would be ruthless defending my wife….I have a daughter on the way.

You don’t know the intentions of a home invader, what you DO know is honorable people DO not invade homes.

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5 Responses to Quote of the Day: Sheep

  1. Bob S. says:

    I’ll disagree with the nothing in the house isn’t worth killing over — even besides my family.
    I have family heirlooms not worth much money but priceless to me. Some of them are the only physical connection I have to people I won’t see this side of heaven.

    I have medicine in my house that keeps me breathing –some of which could literally be lifesaving in rare cases. And my asthma is only going to get worse as I get older I expect.

    What would I do? Depends.
    If I knew all my family was outside of the house at the time; I would also stop and call the police.
    But as you say, family could be in the house and those people are worth defending. Wonder if Jason’s wife knows he would drive away and just call the police?

  2. Bubblehead Les says:

    This is a False Flag Argument. 95% of the Home Defense Laws in this Country do NOT, repeat NOT allow one to shoot a Fleeing Goblin who is Unarmed and only has Property in his arms. You could only take the shot IF the Goblin has decided to Kidnap someone and has them in their arms.

    Now, if they turn and ATTACK you, even w/o a Weapon, then one can Shoot, if you live in a State that has “Stand Your Ground” and/or “Castle Doctrine.” Mas Ayoob tells us it’s called “Disparity of Force” which is what the whole damn Zimmerman Trial will hinge on.

    But once again, “Baldr’s Dumb Ass Son” is trying to paint the Legitimate Use of Firearms as just an excuse to Murder Innocent Thieves, Rapists and Murderers.

    He also seems to forget that since there are plenty of Bragging Vids and Pictures of HIM and his Martial Arts Training, that if HE goes “Hand-to-Hand” with a Goblin, HE could be charged with “Assault with a Deadly Weapon,” i.e., his Fists. There are some Boxers and Martial Artists in Prison who got Screwed because they DARED to use their Training to defend themselves.

    So once again, the Pro-Cowardice Gang is using Crap that has been settled LOOOOONG ago in Courts to Justify their Agenda.

  3. Archer says:

    It’s a false dichotomy. Your options are not: 1) Let him go, or 2) Draw and shoot. There is a broad spectrum of possible responses and plenty of variables to consider – not the least of which are whether there are other people in the house, the goblin’s demeanor/reaction at seeing you, the physical layout of the property, etc. – but Jason/Baldr wants you to focus only on the polar extremes.

    In my case, there are exactly two (2) exits to my home, and unless you’re familiar with the layout of my home, you may not be aware there even IS a back door (it’s not easily visible to a casual observer). If I come home and find the front door jimmied open and a goblin inside, it’s likely he’s going to have to go THROUGH me to get out. That changes the dynamic somewhat.

    So, does that mean I start blasting? Loud and clear now: HELL, NO! If the goblin’s running away, I call 9-1-1 and be a good witness. If he’s alone in the home, I’d probably back off (out of the doorway), draw, and dial 9-1-1 off-handed, and shoot ONLY if he comes directly at me. I can’t think of ANY scenario where the automatic first response is to draw and shoot, except MAYBE walking in on a forcible-assault-in-progress on a family member or friend, and then only if it’s the only way to stop the attack, and only if I have a clear shot.

    Bottom line, shooting is a last resort, not a first response. Again, it’s a false dichotomy.

  4. McThag says:

    If you’ve broken into my house and are still there when I get home you’re committing suicide.

    Does that make me heartless? I don’t care.

    My dryer lint is worth ending the life of a burglar. Why? Because it is MY dryer lint and not the criminal’s. I assign no lower limit to my property against forfeit.

    Happily the law agrees here in FL.

    Finding a criminal in my home legally already has the presupposition that he’s there solely to do me harm. I also have no idea if he’s broken into the gun safe and armed himself with one of my guns. Retreat could get me shot trying to exit my own home, which I have no legal or moral obligation to do. I don’t have to justify my presence in a place I have an unrestricted right to be.

  5. Robert the Biker says:

    If someone breaks into my place, they have come to do me harm PERIOD!
    I don’t care if they’re a lost choirboy, a misunderstood ‘yoof’ or whatever other form of entitlement monkey takes your fancy, they are there to harm me.
    They can then try life with a 30″ broadhead arrow in the guts or a katana embedded in their skulls, after all, it was worth their lives or possibly mine to come robbing, the choice was theirs.

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