Neat! A DA/SA Ruger LCR with an exposed hammer!
Even my revolvers with exposed hammers, I generally only shoot them double action, so I’m still happy with my pair of LCRs in DAO.
Neat! A DA/SA Ruger LCR with an exposed hammer!
Even my revolvers with exposed hammers, I generally only shoot them double action, so I’m still happy with my pair of LCRs in DAO.
You should ‘try’ a few with the revolver cocked… Just sayin… 🙂 You ‘might’ like it!
You think I haven’t! I just like it better that way!
As Caleb says “you paid extra for double action, so why not use it?” Also I’ve found even with slow-fire target shooting I find that I hit better with a slow staged trigger pull and a much more surprising break.