Seeds Sewn By Anti-Freedom

Now I’m treading on thin ice here, so understand my message before reading to deeply on the specific subject I’m taking about.

I think that one reason why we’re seeing all these suicidal school shootings is because we are SEEING them. Seeing them in full-color, with great detail, including the shooter’s name, any manifestos or credos he may have spewed, his body count, and some hand-wringing sympathies because ALL of these killers are abject losers, and deeply mentally ill.

Still reading the latest news about the sicko who brought a shotgun to school, allegedly with a grudge against a teacher, critically wounding a fellow student who he likely had no issue with, and then killing himself, really made me angry.

he once cracked wise about Republican opposition to gun control.

On his Facebook page, he chided members of the GOP, writing “You republicans are so cute,” along with an image that read: “The Republican Party: Health Care: Let ’em Die, Climate Change: Let ’em Die, Gun Violence: Let ’em Die, Women’s Rights: Let ’em Die, More War: Let ’em Die. Is this really the side you want to be on?” The Denver Post reported.

Now, again I am NOT saying that even because he allegedly expressed support and camaraderie with Democrats and “Progressive” views that this guy was a “Progressive”. He wasn’t, he was a nut. Period, full-stop. He’s no more a “Progressive” because of these statements, than Charles Manson is a Neo-Nazi because he tattooed a swastika on his forehead. These are just crazy things done by crazy people.

What I AM saying is that this nut did NOT come up with his plans and actions in a vacuum. He was inspired, and frankly he regurgitated it. The above rant is the FURTHEST thing from original. Hell I’m willing to bet that NOTHING he has done was particularly original, and all was mimicked behavior.

So where did he learn it? Where did he draw his inspiration?

CSGV has a page called “Armed Insurrectionists”

On June 26, 2008, the U.S. Supreme Court embraced the National Rifle Association’s contention that the Second Amendment provides individuals with the right to take violent action against our government should it become “tyrannical.” The following timeline catalogs incidents of insurrectionist violence (or the promotion of such violence) that have occurred since that decision was issued.

In it, CSGV gives names and quotes of people who have advocated for the 2nd Amendment, and people who have committed horrible violence. Only there is no connection to those groups, except for the tenuous threads CSGV weaves to support a factually inaccurate association.

Meanwhile the pro-freedom people talk about gun safety. They talk about the Four Rules, they talk about the severity and permanence of using a gun, and the respect required for that. They teach self-defense, and how that is not only WHEN to shoot, but WHEN NOT to shoot. They talk about violent crime, not just “Gun Death”. We talk about individual liberty and good citizenship.

Meanwhile the “Progressives” portray gun owners as people with desire to murder. Anarchists looking to overthrow the government. People who see the solution to ANY problem is to start shooting.

Further the Media plasters the face of the shooter on every news report. As soon as the name is released, that name is spoken over every news cast. They talk about what weapons were used, what magazines, and how many rounds of ammunition they both carried and owned. (Thankfully the media doesn’t seem to realize that ammunition comes in different types, so load selection has NOT been talked about, and frankly I think many lives have been spared because of this) They even talk about the safety tactics used by the “Gun Free Zone”.

So while these lunatics are always loaners and losers, they ARE associating with groups before their crime.

They are NOT that odd guy on, they are not that dude that hangs around the gun shop. They are NOT gunbloggers, they are not Tea Party Patriots, and they are not people previously profiled on anti-freedom web pages.

Moms Demand Action has a new campaign called “No More Silence”, which is odd, as the group, as small as it is, is pretty loud, further the Gun Control Debate is alive and well…just the gun banners aren’t participating, and do anything they can to avoid debates, discussions, or any interactions with ANYBODY who might be pro-freedom.

Still we need to be LOUD about this. The Colorado school shooting is NATIONAL news, but what kind of story is it? A kid brought a gun to school and shot another student. This is a weekly occurrence in our inner city schools where the gangs rule the hallways. Just rather than a gang-banger selling drugs and killing another student who “dissed” him, this is a crazed white kid with a death wish.

Both are sad stories, but when it comes to safety, the net loss is no different between them, and the net overall danger is LESS when it comes to somebody who is violently mentally ill, compared to a full-on cultural disrespect for human life.

Still the Anti-Rights people don’t want to talk about the gang problem, or the war on drugs because it doesn’t suit their agenda. Just like they don’t want to talk about stabbings or beatings, or the “Knock out Game”. There is no profit to be made with those stories, even when they pose a greater threat to our safety.

The Media jumps on suburban violence, and “Spree Shooters” (even when there isn’t a shooting spree) because it pulls on the heart strings of their viewers more than when its violent criminals selling dangerous drugs in disregarded schools.

This is their bread and butter, and I would find it hard to believe that they don’t get excited when they first hear the news. So they give the sicko national press, they publish anything and everything they know or can find about them, and tell the NEXT guy what to do so they can get their juicy scoop.


End Glorification of Killers.

End personification of weapons.

End Gun Free Zones.


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