Video Roundup on IRS Harassment

Really amazing!

Note the demand to waive their 1st Amendment rights to get tax exemption! Anti-Freedom, not anti-gun!

I’d imbed this last one, but it seems to to autoplay, so click here and scroll to the bottom of the page to watch it. It is by FAR the most compelling. Jim McDermott (D-WA….go figure!) is claiming that conservative groups INVITED this harassment by requesting tax exemption. Paul Ryan slaps it out of the park by noting that if that was true there would be “Progressive” groups giving testimony as well.

As somebody who follows the anti-rights “Progressive” lobby groups, I note that most of them have tax exempt status, and obviously have NEVER had to submit to this level of scrutiny, and certainly frequently “violate” terms the IRS is currently claiming are law.

This is really a common tier in the left. They argue from emotions and zealotry, and when others step forward with truth and facts, they can’t compete….well they can’t compete if government agencies don’t squash them and raid their funds.

Really amazing!

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