Voter ID Opposition

Democrats are horribly opposed to voter ID….I think we all know why:

The former Ohio poll worker who admitted flat-out to voting twice for President Barack Obama in November was convicted Tuesday of illegal voting, the Cincinnati Enquirer reported.

Melowese Richardson of Madisonville, Ohio was accused of eight counts of illegal voting in the 2008, 2011 and 2012 elections. She pleaded no contest to four counts in exchange for prosecutors dropping the remaining charges, the newspaper reported. A judge immediately convicted Richardson, who now faces up to six years in prison….Among the charges she pleaded no contest to included voting three times for a relative who has been in a coma for 2003, the Enquirer reported.

I’ll note that the Left has also claimed that the Right has committed voter fraud…yet that has never bubbled above conspiracy theories. Also Skunkape shot Lincoln from the grassy Knoll to conceal the existence of chemtrails on the Hollywood Moon Landing set!

This is the same party that thinks its perfectly reasonable that I pay $100 every 5 years for a photo ID with biometric information just to buy AMMO!!

I see nothing wrong with them looking at my ID when I vote to confirm my registration, as well as securing my registration.

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7 Responses to Voter ID Opposition

  1. The Jack says:

    It goes further. The same party that demands that convicted felons should be able to vote and should be able to collect wellfare and foodstamps are foursquare for banning private gun sales.

    And why? Because convicted felons might get a gun! Funny how they’re so gung ho about adding barriers to ensure that felons don’t get *that* right back.

    Remember, if convicted felons had *all* their rights restored upon release then background checks wouldn’t make any sense. In that case NICS would… what kick back people who are active fugitives from justice?

    • Rob Crawford says:

      Once you realize the Democrats favor criminals over the law-abiding, their policies make much more sense.

  2. Volfram says:

    Apparently, nearly every district in Colorado that voted Blue in 2012 had a voter turnout near 100%.(I am counting between 80 and 120 as “near 100”)

    As I’ve said before, there is no civic activity in the world so corrupt and fraudulent as presidential elections in the United States of America.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Remember those ballot boxes in the Al Franken election where 100% of all the ballots in them (and more than 100% of the district voters) all for Franken.

      Funny that!

  3. wizardpc says:

    I have a friend who is very intelligent but he’s also a low-information voter. He told me last October that it was okay for Democrats to engage in voter fraud “because it offsets the voter suppression waged by the Tea Party.”

    When asked for examples, he linked an article where GOP poll watchers were asking voters for photo ID. In accordance with state law.

  4. Bubblehead Les says:

    What torques me is that the Dems are STILL fighting Photo ID, even though SCOTUS told Indiana years ago that it is perfectly Constitutional. I wish someone on our side would tell the Judge at the start of those Trials that “Your Honor, no matter what happens here, Photo ID is LEGAL because SCOTUS said so, and all that will happen is this case is delaying the inevitable. So why are we playing games?”

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Because it still takes a law being passed to require and implement the IDs…and if your state is full of voter fraud, then your state is full of Democrats that will make sure it never sees the light of day.

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