Zero Tolerance With Teachers

You know except when it might make sense:

A bipartisan bill that would stop convicted sex offenders from working in schools has been passed by the House but is running into a foe as it heads to the Senate: major teachers’ unions like the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers.

Kyle Olson, with the Education Action Group Foundation told Megyn Kelly Wednesday night on “The Kelly File” that the unions’ objection to the bill proves “unions are out to protect the adults…they are not out for the interests of the children.”

“We should have zero tolerance for issues like this,” Olson said. “We have zero tolerance policies for weapons, a kid who bites a Pop Tart into a gun or has a Hello Kitty bubble-maker will be suspended or expelled if they have those sorts of things…”

I despise teacher’s Unions because I have witnessed first hand how they put the children under their charges last, and how they prop up the poorest performers in the face of the true heroes of the education world.

In school I had some great teachers, I had some horribly lackluster teachers, and I was “taught” by a teacher who routinely showed up drunk to class. That teacher has since retired without ever making a real attempt to sober up.

Further in the science field I’ve worked with several people who attempted to teach science in public schools, and instead chose to work in private industry because of the unions and administration. Also all of these teachers, who were not all teaching in New England, all had stories of a habitually drunk teacher gaming the system supplied by the unions to maintain a job in a drunken state that ONLY a union employer would foster.

Now as a converse I will note that not all sex offenders are violent rapists or pedophiles. There are countless cases of people being placed on the registry for being caught urinating on the side of the road, or of 18 year old High School seniors dating 16 year old High School Juniors, and other abuses of the system.

This is call for reforming the registry, not making light of it.


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2 Responses to Zero Tolerance With Teachers

  1. ShallNOTBeInfringed says:

    …”Now as a converse I will note that not all sex offenders are violent rapists or pedophiles. There are countless cases of people being placed on the registry for being caught urinating on the side of the road….”

    Don’t care. If your stupid enough to make any “mistakes” I don’t want you anywhere near MY children. Don’t need some drunk who gets caught pissing on the side of the road in the classroom. Need to have actual CLASS to be a role model. Plenty of other jobs out there. They need to man up to their poor choices and make room for people who actually take teaching seriously.

  2. ShallNOTBeInfringed says:

    “….I despise teacher’s Unions because….how they prop up the poorest performers in the face of the true heroes of the education world.”

    That pretty much covers all Unions, no self policing. I get to make a comment because I’m a member of MCOFU and see my dues wasted on defending CO’s who pull stupid crap all the time.

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