A Cloud With a Silver Lining Inside a Golden Idol!

Joe and Ry talk about how they are holding off on talking about Senator Yee because he is innocent until proven guilty.

100% true, Senator Yee is indeed innocent until proven guilty of his very serious charges. Still I speculate on trials all the time, and I think the case seems VERY strong.

Still Ry notes that the FBI and the ATF are well-known for rail-roading stings where they take a person generally incapable of a serious crime and coax and supply them into a crime so they can arrest them.

This is a cloud inside the great golden idol of Anti-Gun Senator Yee smuggling heavy military weapons and selling them to criminals, still this cloud has a silver lining. Yee is a well-respected politician who was running for Attorney General oops, I mean secretary of state, and had a lot of resources and friends in high places. Further the US DOJ is in the hands of the “Progressive” Democrats, and seeing a fellow “Progressive” railroaded is a BIG deal.

So if Senator Yee is NOT guilty and this whole thing is yet another cooked-up sting of creative writing and enabling from law enforcement the effects will be HUGE!

This will CRIPPLE Federal Law Enforcement.

So there you have it, either an anti-gun Senator was selling weapons to criminals OR the bloated jack-booted Federal officers are about to have their wings clipped.

Win Win!

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6 Responses to A Cloud With a Silver Lining Inside a Golden Idol!

  1. Pyrotek85 says:

    I’m sure that some guys do get framed, but this seems awfully thorough and against a big shot at that. I’m more inclined to believe that Yee is a greedy hypocrite than that this is an elaborate set up, but we’ll see I guess.

  2. Archer says:

    Minor correction: Yee was running for CA Secretary of State, not Attorney General.

    Still, the stink of hypocrisy is face-meltingly strong. Time will tell if it’s emanating from Senator Leland Yee or federal law-enforcement.

    Is it morally wrong to be undecided on which to root for? 😉

  3. lot a lou says:

    Yee is either innocent or guilty, right now. He is entitled to be PRESUMED innocent, which is entirely different. An innocent man does not immediately transform into a guilty one just because of a verdict, and a guilty man does not become innocent just because a jury couldn’t be convinced. He acquires the quality of guilt or innocence as soon as the crime is committed – either he did it or he didn’t.

    The entire process we go through is designed to help prevent convicting innocent men. The trial requires the state prove guilt, beyond a reasonable doubt. If they fail to convince the jury, since he is presumed innocent, the verdict is “Not Guilty.” If the jury made the wrong call, he remains as guilty or innocent as he was before the trial.

    By the way, Secretary of State is a powerful position at election time – that is the guy who oversees the COUNTING of the votes. A good position to covet if you want to steal an election for your side.

  4. The_Jack says:

    Indeed. Either Yee is an epically, near super-villain level, dirty politician with multiple angles of hypocrisy.

    Or… the Feds picked a connected progressive darling with his star on the rise (rumors are that he’s picked to “inherit” a congressional seat) and railroaded him.

    There’s also the theory that the Feds at the behest of their superiors are “clearing the decks” of embarrassing dems now. As a way to get them out of the the way, and potentially “reformed”, and all before the elections.

    Meanwhile the GOP will have their stings hit in late October.

    Maybeso, but that option doesn’t square with *making up* charges for Yee. Even if Yee was picked to “fall on his sword” over faked charges that would later be withdrawn exonerating him, there’s no reason to go so far with the gun running and drug running.

    Also if Yee isn’t dirty (or at least not dirty in the way the FBI is claiming) he has every reason to fight, and fight with every media spotlight and favor he has.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Yep, either way the Republic wins.

      Also, while the “Clearing the Decks” theory holds water, I have my doubts that there are Republicans that are THIS dirty. Hell just look at the GOP Scandals that have been harped on over the last decade. Bush “Lied” about WMDs, except there was evidence that Hussein was indeed violating the Gulf War treating and dealing with nuclear, biological and chemical weapons. Nope, he didn’t actually have ready-to-use weapons yet…but try explaining that M-16 auto-sear the ATF finds in your parts box to them. We have all gun owners being bad because Ted Nugent told President Obama to “suck on his machine gun” during a rock concert. And we have the Fat Democrat in New Jersey with an “R” after his name allegedly putting up some traffic cones on a bridge that is always clogged with traffic anyway.

      Compared to that above linked story, I just can’t see it. Nor can I see THAT many agencies and people sitting on this information without leaking it long enough to carry out that plan.

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