Anti-Gun Stupidy

I have to wonder if this is REAL stupidity or just mock stupidity:

Governor elect Greg Abbott says he is ready to push for open carry in Texas.

Abbot says he will sign whichever of the at least six open carry bills the state’s legislature passes. But local law enforcement has its concerns.

“The thing is, once everybody’s carrying guns, it kind of becomes hard to identify who the good guy is, who the bad guys is. It’s not like people are running around with a stamp on their forehead saying, ‘good guy,’ ‘bad guy,’” said Marshall, Texas, Police Chief Jesus Campa.

Well given Chief Campa is in TEXAS where their gun laws are pretty stupid, but their KNIFE laws are fairly reasonable:

“The thing is, once everybody’s carrying knives, it kind of becomes hard to identify who the good guy is, who the bad guys is. It’s not like people are running around with a stamp on their forehead saying, ‘good guy,’ ‘bad guy,’”

Hey, idiot, everybody was carrying knives in Texas since before you were born. Maybe police work is a bit above your skill level!

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6 Responses to Anti-Gun Stupidy

  1. Jack/OH says:

    Whoa! Chief Campa, dude. Yesterday I was at my local Gander Mountain looking at handguns. With a knife in my pocket. What kind of “forehead stamp” would fit that situation? Thought so.

    It’s about civil liberties, property rights, Constitutional integrity, freedom from gratuitous government intervention in private business, civic empowerment, defense of self and others from criminal attack.

    I’ve been reading this great blog for a while, and I don’t believe the anti-rights people have an honest leg to stand on.

  2. Bob S. says:

    I wonder if Chief Campa has any trouble telling the shoppers who pay for their products apart from the ones who stole them.

    Or the people who are minding their own business from the ones robbing people.
    Hey, maybe he could ask some of the cops in the 44 states that allow some form of Open Carry how they tell the people apart.

    . It’s not like people are running around with a stamp on their forehead saying, ‘good guy,’ ‘bad guy,’” said Marshall, Texas, Police Chief Jesus Campa.

    But he does have a great idea here — how about we mandate that all cops be forced to wear a stamp on their heads “good cop” or “bad cop” — and given the current events and mindset of some officers “will shot you in a second if you blink wrong Cop”.

    That is the type of information We, The People, really need.

    • Archer says:

      And it’s not like the “bad cops” – or the criminals, even – would ever stamp their foreheads with the “good guy” stamp, so that people would trust them!

      No, that’d never happen! 😉

  3. Pingback: Do Cops Have a Stamp on their Forehead? | Weer'd World

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