“Gun Death” and Bad Justice

Seems like an inevitable conclusion:

A teacher in an American prison was stabbed and violently raped after being left alone in a room full of some of the country’s worst sex offenders.

…The alleged assault took place on January 30 as the teacher, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, was giving a class with no guard nearby and just a radio for help.

They’re in prison for a damn reason! They are DANGEROUS! Yet this female teacher was left in a room alone with dangerous criminals with no means of defending herself, and look what happened!

More can be extrapolated from this case. The people who constantly trumpet “Gun Death” want to disarm good people so the entire country becomes just like this prison. You’re left alone with nothing but your cellphone to call for help. You like that idea? I sure don’t!


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4 Responses to “Gun Death” and Bad Justice

  1. And it’s probably all your fault. If you weren’t such a sexist man-pig, this poor downtrodden victim of capitalist hegemony wouldn’t have learned it was acceptable to dominate women like you dominate him and the other victims of patriarchy.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Let me play Devil’s Advocate: this is one less “social justice warrior,” taken out of the gene pool by the monsters she wanted to help get early parole and loose among us. It is a rare moment of poetic justice.

    What kind of person chooses to do this for a living? How is she likely to have voted? And are we better off or worse off when the population of such individuals is culled?

    Also, take a close look at the perpetrator. Is “Jacob Harvey” his real name, or is it the name he made up on the spot and gave to the cops when he got pinched crossing the border?

  3. Archer says:

    We can extrapolate even more. The guards inside a prison, unlike the police out in public, do indeed have a duty to protect the non-LEO workers who come into the prison.

    And they STILL couldn’t be there in time.

    What does that say about leaving your safety in the hands of uniformed workers who aren’t in your immediate vicinity, rather than taking care of yourself?

    • Jack/OH says:

      I saw a comment a while back written by a retired CO. I’ll paraphrase from memory: “If gun bans created safety, maximum security prisons would be the safest places in America.”

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