“Gun Death” Brutal Rape

No guns needed:

The ex-girlfriend of a man charged with raping and strangling a University of New Hampshire student in 2012 opened her testimony by answering the question: Who killed Elizabeth Marriott?

“Seth Mazzaglia,” she replied. “He strangled her with a rope.”

Kathryn McDonough, who is serving a prison sentence for lying to investigators about the student’s disappearance and death, took the stand Tuesday morning in Mazzaglia’s first-degree murder trial. Prosecutors say he raped and killed 19-year-old “Lizzi” Marriott of Westborough, Massachusetts, after she rebuffed his sexual advances.

This is the world anti-rights people who are constantly crowing about “Gun Death” want for us. A world where a more powerful man can rape and strangle a woman to death.

This is not a world I want!


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One Response to “Gun Death” Brutal Rape

  1. Jack/OH says:

    You’re right, Weer’d. BTW, “Taki’s Magazine” has a recent anti-gun article by a Brit, Alexander Fiske-Harrison. (There’s a pro-gun reply a few days later by a guy named Stell, if my memory’s okay.) Some of the comments beneath the article confirm what I saw in Western Europe, the supposed gun-free utopia. The “threshold of chutzpah” or “threshold of terror” (my made-up terms) needed by criminals to do their dirty work in Europe is way lower than in America. The citizenry there is just too cowed, and too deprived of the means of lawful self-defense.

    America’s gun culture has its problems (Weer’d cites some), but the anti-gunners’ prohibition/confiscation/demonization agenda doesn’t solve them.

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