It was pride of ownership that had led a New Jersey family to decorate the front of their home with bright plastic flowers, and it was those same decorations that acted as a fatal accelerant in a fast-moving blaze that killed six family members in the home on Sunday, prosecutors said on Monday.
Carolyn A. Murray, the acting Essex County prosecutor, said that the fire did not appear to be suspicious, but investigators still had not pinpointed the origin of an “unidentified heat source” that set fire to the decorations and touched off the blaze.
Six dead, and plastic flowers of all things hold some blame! Good thing nobody had a gun, right?
OK Hold the phone.. did someone set their magic plastic decorations a blaze accidentally killing the family.. I’m confused.. Are you implying that pop home owner , plastic flower planter could have some how shot the offending arsonist before he she inadvertently killed his beloved family..
Dude this is quite the stretch of the imagination.. ( too many inadvertent lab inhalations if I were to guess) just kidding