How Are You Liking the New Commenting Software?

So from all I can tell, comments are still rolling in. I have only found one comment that got eaten by McThag who’s commenting away below.

So how are you all liking it? Seeing less Captcha codes? When you see the code do you find it easier than the ones I used to use?

Blow up the comments below with feedback, because I’ve been manual emptying the HUNDREDS of spam I’m now seeing every day with the new system by hand. I’d like to tell the software just to nuke everything that doesn’t pass muster, but I don’t want to do it if somehow I’m missing a bulk of good comments in the sea of dick-pills and knock-off handbags that are showing up in my trash can.

So sound off, can I take the safeties off and leave everybody happy with the comments? Remember while I blog to blow off steam and talk about interesting things, I really do this all for the comments and discussion.

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11 Responses to How Are You Liking the New Commenting Software?

  1. Bob S. says:

    I think my first comment with the new software was today.

    Let’s see if this one goes through…if it does, I may change to it when I get my blog up and running again.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      God, I hope it get fixed soon! I’m starting to get DTs. I’m thinking about switching to Crack as a cheap alternative to 3Boxes of BS!!!


      All kidding aside, I don’t know shit about how websites work, I just know how to run this keyboard and hit the little HTML prompts on my console, but there are a bunch of serious tech nerds out there who might be able to make a breakthrough. I borked something a few months ago and the site went down for like 8 hours. Thankfully WordPress sorted it out and I didn’t need to do anything, but damn I was TERRIFIED this was all lost. I hope you can get it all back!

  2. Ratus says:

    Seems to be working just fine.

    Now, time for dinner at Disney.

  3. McThag says:

    No comment.

    Wait that was a comment.


  4. Jake says:

    Testing, testing. Is this thing on?

    *tap*tap*tap* [*SCREEEECH*]

    Bueller? Bueller?

  5. Miguel says:

    …Alo??? esta esto prendido? No funciona? Y porque traduce my comentario a español? Weer, esta mierda esta rota!

  6. Test the essence of the screen says:

    I am not selling anything. I am merely testing the efficacy of the system to which the spam shall spiral down, while real comments do not deign to drown. At least it should. Be.

    The sentence structure is to be having a testing effect, wherewith to strain and prove the sieve of the filter fence. To be without naming a brand of shoe or company watch, but imitation to mock flattery. Come also, everyone, let us mettle test the fabric of the filter, to find if it works properly, or is merely a leaving of cheesecloth from Weerd’s bacon vodka, fragile and clogged!!!

  7. It didn't eat the first one. says:

    So now I spam with a second comment. However, my creativity to fashion “internet poetry,” the likes of which to decorate the screen and imitate the computer-generated spam, is sadly lacking, so I will refrain from a second attempt.

    Weerd, I think it’s working.

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