Images of the Antis: False Dichotomy

This one is just a multi-tiered level of discussion:

So first up we have a variant of “Gun Death” with their “In-Person Voter Fraud”, but also what a false dichotomy there! First up Guns in America are big piles of paperwork with pieces of steel attached to them, even in the most gun friendly states guns can only be manufactured for public consumption by licensed FFLs, they put every gun they make in great detail into their books, then those guns can only be sold to other FFLs who again record the guns in their books. The guns get recorded again when they are sold either to new FFLs (rinse and repeat) or to private citizens. After that the citizen doesn’t need to deal with another FFL, but that gun is now heavily papered by this point.

Then we have homicides. Do you think many homicides go unnoticed? Pretty hard to make somebody dead without SOMEBODY noticing that they aren’t alive anymore. Now SOLVING those homicides are a little more tricky, especially if the departed had some involvement with the gang system, but that isn’t relevant to this system. While not all homicides are solved, damn near all of them are RECORDED.

Now let’s look at “In Person Voter Fraud”, somebody who legally can’t vote, or who has otherwise already voted strolls into a polling place with no Voter ID requirement. All they need to do is give out a name and an address. This could be for an infirm relative, or maybe somebody who isn’t in the country, or in many cases somebody who’s dead. Hell back when the ACORN scandal was in high gear people were noting that 100% fake people were being registered to vote. A lot of nay-sayers scoffed at this since those fake people didn’t exist…but without voter ID how would you know? They could walk in, claim a ballot, vote and walk out, and even move on to the next polling place and vote again!

Now there are no cameras or recording devices at these polling place, and somebody’s dead Granny isn’t going to complain if her vote gets stolen, and further if the name is on the registered voting lists it’s LEGAL! So how are you going to tell if somebody is legitimately voting or not? Only once the election is over and the ballots are tallied can it be seen if dead people, or fake people voted, and even then with our secret ballot system, what are you going to do?

Just because so few people have been CAUGHT doesn’t mean people aren’t doing it.

And of course comes the last part. You have the right to keep and bear arms (and note that for any newly made gun that gun can ONLY get into the public with an valid ID, and given that selling guns across state lines is a serious crime, you’ll be hard pressed to find a private seller selling to a stranger without valid photo ID being exchanged) you don’t have the right to vote. There are laws that say who and when you can vote, but no law that says we need to vote at all.

Further the idea that there are registered and active voters out there who don’t have at least ONE form of valid ID is laughable. You can’t EXIST in society without State ID. Sure many people don’t drive, but if they need to buy booze or cigarettes SOMEBODY is going to card them. Do they fly, take the bus, or train? Photo ID required. Check into a hotel room? Show some ID. Open a bank account or try to pay with a Check? Can I see some ID? The list goes on!

It’s also not expensive unless the state in question (like Mine) has decided to pile on the fees out of greed. There has been some talk that immigrants who were born in other countries might have difficulties getting a birth certificate for ID…but if they’re immigrants they already had to do all that. ILLEGAL immigrants don’t have to, but they shouldn’t be able to vote.

Sorry but every case of Voter Fraud I’ve ever read about were from die-hard “Progressive” Democrats who HATE the 2nd Amendment, and this is the reason why so many people who are anti-gun want “universal background checks” but hate the idea of voter ID laws.

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10 Responses to Images of the Antis: False Dichotomy

  1. The_Jack says:

    Oh? The antis want to go there?


    If we accept their premise that asking for ID before voting is racist due to the disproportionate impact said burden has on low income minorities.

    Then… how come Universal Background checks don’t have the exact same racist disproportionate impact?

    Is the first precept not actually true?
    Or is a racist law okay if it “keeps *those* people disarmed?”

    And that’s just new laws, what about all the fees for permits. Or that if a disproportionate number of minorities can’t vote due to ID requirements then that means that they, under current law, cannot buy *new* guns either.

    • Jack/OH says:

      The Jack, you nailed it. So did the 1960s Black radicals, who saw the plantation/overseer mentality in the Democrat Party’s supposed liberalism.

  2. Pingback: Lies fo the Anti Gun Crowd… | Freedom Is Just Another Word...

  3. Old NFO says:

    Pot-kettle… again and again… sigh

  4. Allen says:

    That was the scariest picture they could find?

    • Weerd Beard says:

      DAMN that was another point I missed in the post! They talk about unintentional Homicides, and the best they could drum up was Elmer Fudd from Central Casting? OK when we’re talking “unintentional Homicides” we’re talking accidents and murders. I doubt there was ever a time when Joe “Buck Fever” was the leading cause of “Gun Death”, but numbers do show that hunting accidents have been on a sharp decline thanks to education and a cultural and political awareness that gun rights, as well as hunting are under attack in this country and all better do their best to fly right if they want to continue the fun. You don’t hear as much these days about finding a tree stand in the woods with a collection of beer cans in the leaf litter, or hunting hunting too close to houses popping momma as she walked the dogs because she had on a white hat or scarf, mistaking that for a white tail. A relative of mine lost his father to a hunter who shot at the sound of him walking. Don’t hear much about that shit anymore because shooting at sounds or flashes of white are talked about openly in hunter safety classes and hunting circles.

      Same goes for the other shooting sports. Every year they just keep getting safer.

      Of course we know that somebody dressed in Blood or Crip garb would be a better stereotype for who’s putting unwanted holes in other people. Still the LEAST they could do would be to have the modern anti-gun equivalent to “Black Face” and have it be a fat white man, possibly with a confederate flag on him somewhere with an AR-15!

      • Bob S. says:

        Of course we know that somebody dressed in Blood or Crip garb would be a better stereotype for who’s putting unwanted holes in other people.

        I don’t believe the image selection was arbitrary or ill-conceived. I think it was a deliberate attempt to paint the average gun owner as the source of death and misery.

        Notice the safety equipment (eye and ear protection) — unspoken message; no matter how safe they try to be, someone is still going to die.

        Notice the use of what appears to be a shotgun; field or clay type. Unsp0ken message; it isn’t just the scary ‘evil black rifles’ that are dangerous. Any and every gun is bad.

        They may not appear to be technically adapt but never forget the antis fully understand psychology and marketing. They don’t want people thinking about Craig the Crip, Mark the Meth head or Robert the Rapist. They want to vilify every gun owner out there.

        Bob S.

        • Jack/OH says:

          Bob S., you’re on to something. The vast majority of “gun-undecideds” may (I’m not sure) be acquainted only with responsible, lawful long gun ownership and use. Demonizing trap/skeet/hunting people seems a new variant in the anti-gunners’ campaign.

        • Geodkyt says:

          Exactly correct, Bob.

          They seem to realize that most people now (at least) know several people who have and use guns, but aren’t “scary”, and they use them in perfectly vanilla fashion — like shooting trap with all due regard for hearing protection. They also realize that claiming that some guns are scary, but these guns are not is a bad idea for two reasons —

          1. The idea that “scary” guns are really no different functionally than commonly accepted “sporting” guns (AR15 – one, if not the most popular hunting rifle being sold today!)

          2. To these extremist bigots, there is no such thing as an acceptable reason for any citizen to have any firearm, except when carrying out government duties.

          The choice was deliberate, and it’s one of the better visuals they’ve come up with. They get to lie by ommission without looking like fear- and hate-driven neurotics who are overreacting.

          • Jack/OH says:

            Geodkyt, you’re right. The gang-banger, meth-head, and rapist images muddle the message with race, drugs, and a separable violent crime. “All guns are evil all the time for all people”, I guess, is the message.

            The good news, I think, is that it’ll take zillions to project this message, and it’ll probably fail because it’s clearly untrue.

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