Images Of The Antis: False Reality

This is really how they see it:

Even in the worst parts of America there isn’t THAT much wide-spread violence. Hell even in most war zones there aren’t that many stray bullets.

Still they need to peddle this false narrative because their business is selling fear.

Its irrational fear, but that’s what pushes their agenda!

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3 Responses to Images Of The Antis: False Reality

  1. If violence isn’t widespread, isn’t it “irrational fear” that makes so many people want to carry firearms wherever they go?

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Hey Stan, Haven’t seen you in ages! Thought you might have fallen off the face of the earth.

      The answer is the same reason why I wear a safety-belt in the car, and have a fire extinguisher on every floor of my home.

      While auto accidents are fairly common, having one severe enough to warrant a belt is fairly uncommon when you factor in how often and how many people drive. As are house fires.

      Still the severity of these incidents, as well as the safety of these products, one is a fool not to use them, tho should be perfectly able to not if they so choose.

      Same goes with guns.

  2. Eck! says:

    Oh and the doggie is rabid ‘yote and bites and the flower are really poison oak and the bullets are imagined.

    Oh and did anyone notice the bullets are from the most lightly regulated zone?
    Yes, its a school, and they are gun free.

    Fear mongers they are indeed. The real stuff to fear aint in the picture.

    It all in their heads and that head contains their greatest projections and irrational fears.

    That and the best the can do is a crappy cartoon?


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