Images of the Antis: Irony

This trope again:

Created by a digital image editor, published on Facebook, and found by me in Pinterest. Hey, assholes, if you want to be a “Constitutional Purist” maybe you should print all your anti-freedom propaganda using hand-set printing presses and hand-cut printing plates. Also if you want to distribute those images it should only be done by hand, and use no transportation other than horse-drawn vehicles.

OR you can admit that you don’t give a flying fuck what the US Constitution says, and quit trying to sound clever when you are anything but!

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5 Responses to Images of the Antis: Irony

  1. Joe in PNG says:

    “Single shot muskets only” must be in that part of the 2a that only Anti-rights people can see, right next to “police and military only”.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      I think the key is my last point. “Progressives” quote scripture to paint Jesus as a Socialist or a pacifist, or to paint the 10 Commandments as anti-gun (citing the mistranslation of “Thou Shall not Murder” as “Thou Shall Not Kill”, and claiming that the Bible is against taking a life for ANY reason…maybe not even just HUMAN lives). Meanwhile the “Progressives” are FURIOUSLY anti-religion.

      I’m not a member of any organized religion, and not very spiritual. Also personally I don’t agree with raising children in a Church.

      But that’s just me. My daughter won’t be taken to Church every Sunday, or Synagog, or Temple, or whatever, but that’s where it ends. If we get invited to a religious ceremony of any sort we’ll go. If a friend invites her to a religious service I’ll ENCOURAGE it, because I think experiencing cultures different from the one you have at home is WONDERFUL for human growth and empathy, and I find religion REALLY interesting and educational, I’m just not going to pick sides or encourage adoption of one lifestyle.

      Also when my wife went into surgery I got countless correspondences saying that various people who read the blog were praying for me. I was DEEPLY honored by those acts.

      Now “Progressives” I don’t feel sit that way. Now Joan Peterson peddles her crap in her Church, as does Bryan Miller. Still these people don’t quote scripture when they’re trying to strip our rights. The ones who quote scripture are the kind that would be ANGERED to be informed they were subject to prayer, and probably would REFUSE an invitation to a worship service, and FORBID a child from accepting an invitation.

      They quote scripture that they have ZERO respect in. I think the same goes for the Constitution. They quote it, but they think their perversion of those words only have meaning to us who respect the document.

  2. Bob S. says:

    Let me take the antis at their word for must one minute.

    Let’s picture me walking down the street with 2 or 3 muskets on my back….half a dozen pistols, including a couple of ‘pepper boxes’ stuffed into my sash, boot tops, etc.

    Think they would lose their collective #$%^?

    Oh yeah, they would.

    How about if I placed a couple of cannons on my front yard with a a couple of kegs of blackpowder and cannon balls/ grapeshot at the ready?

    Who thinks they would pass by and nod approvingly at my following the “intentions of our Founding Fathers?

    –especially when they realize that the elementary school is easily in range of even the most antique of cannons?

    So no matter how you work it, the antis are just lying to everyone.

  3. Burnt Toast says:

    Not a bad opening salvo if they were actually willing to engage in debate –

    First counterpoint –
    “To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries.”
    – The Founders had a such interest in advancement of technology that they incorporated rights to invention in the body of the Constitution (Article I, Section 8).
    – Automatic weapons were conceived prior to the Revolutionary War (such as Puckle Gun, 1718) and the ratification of the 2nd Amendment in 1791, over 70 years.

    Second counterpoint –
    Letters of Marque and Reprisal, rather pointless without the presumption of private ownership of some serious firepower…

    … but there will be no debate.

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