Images of the Antis: More Blackface

Many of these images are straw men so unrealistic they harken to the propaganda posters of the KKK in the Jim Crow South:

baldr Paranoia

First of course the crazed, overweight white gun owner carrying more guns than he could ever possibly use. Yep, that’s as realistic as the big-lipped, soot-black, dim-witted, lazy, cowardly Negro of the KKK propaganda.

And of course Jason likes to point out we’re “Paranoid” while he and his ilk see NO reason for ANYBODY to own a firearm, and want them all banned and confiscated. Who’s paranoid?

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8 Responses to Images of the Antis: More Blackface

  1. And it never occurs to them that seeing us like this is a symptom of their own paranoia. Ironic, isn’t it?

  2. Maxwell says:

    Paranoia: (noun) 1. A psychotic disorder caused by delusions of persecution
    2. Extreme, irrational distrust of others

    I submit that gun owners are persecuted, quite viciously, on a constant basis by the ‘progressive’ left. Given that the openly stated goal of so many of these is a partial or total ban, and backed up by economic and legislative pressure, distrust is hardly extreme or irrational. Fail.

    Yeah, I know…logic and liberals.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Hell just look at all the fucked up things they are finding in i594 in Washington, or in the SAFE Act in New York. These aren’t carefully thought out and debated bills, these are the legal equivalent of the Dresden Bombings against gun owners!

      I mean can it even be called “Paranoia” if the other side isn’t even conspiring in secret?

  3. Archer says:

    If they want us to stop being “paranoid” about potential gun bans, the solution is simple: Stop trying to ban guns!

    It’s not paranoia if they really are out to get you.

  4. MrApple says:

    It’s only paranoia if there is no rational basis for the fear.

  5. Braden Lynch says:

    It may seem counter-intuitive, but if you attack and try to ban something, it often makes it very desirable out of curiosity or defiance. So, I was wondering…

    If the gun control advocates took no more action and disavowed themselves from all of the rhetoric about confiscation for 50 years, would they get closer to their goal? I worry that people would get complacent and our resurging gun culture might recede and ownership levels actually decrease.

    Of course, they are hard-wired to hate our firearms which represent, and are actually useful in, resistance to their despotic designs. So, no they can’t back off, and I think that gun culture will still flourish because it is such fun and the need for it will never go away.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      That WOULD work, and that’s what they’re currently doing. Have you noticed that the gun control groups have backed off the whole “Assault Weapon” front?

      It was a major battle that they have lost enough time that they’re stepping away from it.

      Of course they’re stepping away from it…but they aren’t saying it’s OK to own semi-auto rifle or magazines holding more than X.

      They would probably have scary good luck if their goal was ONLY, say background checks. But while they may not be actively seeking those other bans, but that doesn’t mean they still can’t dream!

  6. Pingback: Images of the Antis and Quote of the Day | Weer'd World

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