Images of the Antis: Stereotypes and Ignorance

So here’s a great Image of the Antis:

Baldr Target

Obese white dude carrying a slung AR and two holstered pistols outside a Target store in Texas. Also note the huge belt buckle, you need one of those in Texas or your pants will fall down! Kinda suprised they went with the NRA ball cap and sneakers rather than a comically large 10-gallon hat and cowboy boots! Seriously that’s just lack of effort with your hate and ignorance!

Now the cartoonist raises his straw-man flag by giving the motivation of this corpulent gentleman by pointing out that he just wants to make people unhappy.

Yep that’s Second Amendment activism in a nutshell, you got us there!

Of course note that this is an Open Carry Texas member, and he has TWO holstered pistols, one a semi-auto, the other might be a revolver of some sort, but even if we could clearly see it, the artist doesn’t actually seem to posess the skills where we could tell if it was a black powder gun, or a cartridge revolver…or maybe it’s supposed to be another semi-auto and he’s that bad at drawing.

Why nit pick on this? Well in Texas open carry of modern pistols is ILLEGAL! That’s really the crux on why so many in Texas have been lugging rifles around. In most states to get your OC activism on you just need to uncover your standard concealed carry pistol, and maybe have a permit to carry, in Texas it needs to be a black powder handgun, or a long-gun, the options end there. At least in Florida which is another hot sub-tropical state that bans Open Carry (what’s with Northern states being so good about open carry, when 2/3 of the year you’re wearing a jacket anyway?) allows you to open carry pistols when you’re hunting or fishing, so Florida Carry hosts fishing events where people string their rods and discard their cover garments to raise awareness that open carry is no big deal. So yeah, cops could arrest this dude right there in the parking lot.

Ignorance! The cartoonist just drew a silly drawing, filled it with negative stereotypes and poorly drawn guns, and made up his cute little back-story of pure misanthropy, while knowing NOTHING about the story!

Think I’m done? No. I decided to run a capture rather than just liking the image because I wanted Baldr’s comment. “Thank You, Target, for doing what’s right!”, and the image has a “No Guns” sign in front of the store.

Now another image, this time from Baldr’s co-blogger on some of their side projects, Joan Peterson:

Joan Target

See Joan’s primary allegiance is to the Brady Campaign which is dying. Bloomberg has stolen all the press, and if donations are being given I suspect most of it is to his shell groups, while Brady is burning through money keeping their staff paid and the light on. They’re trying to drum up support by pointing out the fallacy of Bloomberg’s “Victories” pointing out that they really just got some lip service and nothing else.

We can debate if Target is REALLY anti-gun or just doing PR spin, or if they should be boycotted or not. I’m not a huge Target shopper, I go maybe 3 times a year for a few items I can’t conveniently buy anyplace else. So my boycott won’t be noticed, so instead I’ll just personally just do what I always do. If I feel the need to go to Target, I’ll go, and I’ll be carrying because that’s what I do. This isn’t a protest, this is just me not bothering.

Still Target is playing it both ways, they’re kowtowing to Bloomberg by asking people not to bring guns of any kind into their stores, and they’re folding by not actually doing anything else.

So yeah, whoever you are, and however you feel about guns, Target didn’t to “What’s Right”, they did essentially nothing dressed up as something.

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4 Responses to Images of the Antis: Stereotypes and Ignorance

  1. Joel says:

    I can’t get any hate on for Target.

    Target didn’t to “What’s Right”, they did essentially nothing dressed up as something.

    Exactly true, and what else were they obligated to do? When did they ask to become part of the gun debate? I interpreted Target’s action/inaction as essentially a way of saying ‘please leave us out of this,’ which was just what I would have done if I were a retailer that got dragged into the OTC story, and I’m a shooter who generally OCs. A bunch of unattractive activists with EBRs come into my shop to take pictures and scare the white people, I’m gonna go all ‘we reserve the right to refuse service’ on their asses in front of god and everybody. Target’s not about political activism, it’s about selling stuff. Disrupting that to further your own agenda may or may not be misguided, but it is definitely rude.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Same with Starbucks who was the first in the line of hollow victories for Bloomberg.

      They openly snubbed the anti-gun forces when they said “fuck off, we have our policy and it’s working fine, thanks!”

      Then the pro-gun forces took that as “Hey cool, Starbucks LOVES us, and they LOVE guns!” and decided to start dragging their ARs and shotguns into the store and doing all sorts of silly photo ops.

      Starbucks simply clarified their opinion. If you want to carry your gun in Starbucks (or Target, or Staples, or whatever) that’s fine if you’re following the law. But no, we’re not the NRA, or Open Carry, or whatever. Please set aside your own venues for your political animal.

      Hell that’s why I don’t personally open carry. I’m not looking to protest on this issue personally. They have my support, but I don’t want to have that nice meaningful conversation with pro-gun people, or people who don’t understand the issue when I’m running errands. I just want to buy my stuff and go home.

  2. Thirdpower says:

    A modern equivalent of ‘blackface’ but it’s OK because it’s ‘those people’.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      People like myself who like pickup trucks and guns and shooting animals and take 5+ times to properly tie a necktie, as well a Jeff Foxworthy and his rather enjoyable comedy troop use the term “Redneck” responsibly, still I do see that term tossed around by “Progressives” like n*gger is tossed around by Southern Democrat-types (the party, not the location) these days. And yes, that image is a “Redneck” in the “Progressive” use of the word.

      It really is similar to the blackface or the Jigaboo art of the Jim Crow era. Blacks have big white lips and goofy droopy noses, and they are lazy, ignorant and cowardly. Rednecks are overweight, have thick or no necks, have a thick brutal Neanderthal build, and they are violent, paranoid, and stupid.

      Yep, spot on, bro!

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