Man they really do enjoy creating their own reality to make their agenda look legitimate:
Ok so we have somebody open carrying, and a dead body. The gun owner claims he was “threatened about having a gun in public”, and he “Stood his Ground”.
Let’s pick things apart. We have lots of open carry demonstrations going on in this country, as well as people who just prefer to carry a gun openly and aren’t really activists about it, or only passive activists when questioned by strangers.
As of yet there has not been a single instance of somebody getting shot in these simple interactions. I’m sure there have been several legal self defense cases from people who open carry just like there has been with people who carry concealed. Stand your ground just holds prosecution to solid due-process laws when declaring a claimed defensive shooting as an unlawful homicide.
Now we do have some blowhards threatening people who open carry on the internet. So far this is just keyboard bravado, but if a lawful citizen is brazenly attacked with physical force, they have the right to defend themselves, and I have no sympathy for the attacker no matter what their reasons or rational.
Oh the antis. They do *love* their victim blaming.
See… if attacked you should run away!
If threatened you should give up and comply!
Oh and carrying a gun makes you a cowboy vigilante, but! Threatening to beat up gun owners or break into their houses to take their guns makes you a hero!