Images of the Antis: Tools

This image has been blowing up in the anti-gun circles, as well as the circles of “Progressives” in general.

So the pro-gun saying goes: Owning a Piano does not make you a pianist. I own a REALLY nice keyboard, and the only (and I mean ONLY) song I can play on it is “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” (OK I can also play “Baa Baa Black Sheep” and the Alphabet Song…but since they’re all the same song that isn’t saying much). I have a few sheet music samples of a few Warren Zevon songs that I plan to learn, but I haven’t logged any practice so I can’t play them.

Yep, I own a piano, sheet music, and training books, but I can’t play crap. See the tools mean crap. Now I used to play a little piano and used to be able to read sheet music by sight, and I’m familiar with all these songs, but that was 15 years ago when I last seriously was playing music. If I practiced more seriously I could probably have a lot to show for all this, but I simply haven’t committed to that time.

Now let’s look at the PEOPLE and their actions in the pictures. From the article the American woman is simply a conservative woman who uses social media to support her conservative beliefs against abortion, and defense of the 2nd Amendment, and the 1st Amendment, specifically as a Christian. She’s a married mother with no criminal history.

The other woman is this beast.

She’s a radical Muslim convert from Ireland who is now a fugitive from justice for a laundry list of terrorist acts.

So there’s the difference. One is an average woman standing up for the enumerated rights in the US Constitution, rights that “Progressives” who have been posting this image around the internet have ZERO respect for. The other is a dangerous terrorist who has been involved with several mass murders and has expressed desire to kill many more.

I’d say the difference is HUGE!

Now let’s zoom back to the broader scope, and some lovely “Progressive” projection. Let’s blank out the faces or change the identity of the two women, and just make them both generic people in context of the background. Now Ms. Fisher is about as average a woman as they come. There is nothing unique to her views, really the only thing that stands her against the average conservative woman is the fire in her belly about defending her rights, and her above average good looks. (Which I mean in all due respect from a married man to a married woman. You’re gorgeous, and I’m glad you’re using your photogenic nature to defend our rights)

Now let’s make a generic Islamic woman behind the green flag of Islam with a rifle and her Koran. Maybe she’s one of the women fighting against the oppressive regimes of the many Islamic theocracies out there, like the many women we saw in the Iranian uprising a few years ago. Many of whom gave their lives for freedom they never got.

If that was the case I’d say “You go Girl!” because most Muslim women are NOT international terrorists, or mass murderers, and a rifle in a woman’s hand only represents power, and nothing else.

The “Progressives” assume that since they HATE Ms. Fisher so much for not letting them trample our rights, and not standing down to our corrupt government, that people on the other side of the debate have as much hate as they do.

Nope. I called the terrorist a “Beast”, not because she’s a woman, or a Muslim, or even because she’s holding a rifle and a Koran. I called her a beast because she has been party to, and wants to continue to kill innocent people. Hell that’s why I own guns, in case some asshole like her wants to kill me or mine, I can kill them first and live my merry life.

I don’t care what race, creed, or sexual orientation you are, all I care about is the content of your character.

So yeah, I’d say there is a lot of differences between the two images, and if the differences I enumerated above weren’t there, I wouldn’t care one wit about armed women.

Because Unlike “Progressives” my primary motivation is not hate.

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9 Responses to Images of the Antis: Tools

  1. The_Jack says:

    Note that the antis are willing to go to “Everyone who holds a Koran is a terrorist!” if gets some “Murrican” scared to their side… even if in any other subject they’d be all Islamaphobia

    Just like how they’ll go “Jesus hates guns!” if they think it’ll help win over a Christian even if in any other subject they’d be all Theocracy.

  2. Stuart the Viking says:

    At one time, this would have just been hyperbole, but I think that people on both sides of the political debate have numbed themselves with such extreme hyperbole and dehumanization of the other over the years that they actually believe what they are saying. They don’t see the difference between an American who believes in God, and believes in rights as protected by the American Constitution, and an extremist who has, and wants to continue to, murder innocent people.

    I had some friends a few years ago. Close friends. Who were Progressive Democrats. It was ok, because I’m one of those quasi-classic liberals/almost libertarians. So, I’m not a bible thumping religious right Republican. We had some common ground, and some things that we strongly disagreed upon. Unfortunately, these friends couldn’t deal with those few things we disagreed upon and by the end of our friendship, I was being called a homophobic (except I support gay rights and gay marriage), racist (nope, first wife was Mexican, I think humans are humans. Problem was, I think everyone should be treated the same witch doesn’t jive with the progressive mantra), religious fundamentalist (nope, neo-pagan), science denier. Well, maybe they kinda, sorta, have me on that one. I believe that “Global Climate Change” is due to a natural cycle the earth goes through. Like yep, there was an ice age, now there isn’t. Before that there wasn’t… you get the picture. Since they believe that “Science” has “Proven” man-made Global Climate Kaka-doodle, I’m a “Science Denier”.

    But because I didn’t agree with them. In spite of years of friendship. They believed that I was all of those things.

    It’s a problem. There is no fix. People have to decide for themselves to step away from the hype.


    • Weerd Beard says:

      I get a similar response from Liberal Democrats when I ask them why they hate the Koch Brothers or Rand Paul. All of them are generally pretty hardcore Libertarians when it comes to purity tests, and unless you’re a true “Progressive” many of their key political action points like ending the war on drugs and anti-world police style wars are generally the same as their views.

      I never get a straight answer, they hate them because they are SUPPOSED to hate them.

    • Jack/OH says:

      Stuart, most of the liberals/progressives I know locally ain’t. For nearly all of them, those unthinking, knee-jerk positions are poses. For a few, those poses are the springboard to local lard-assed patronage-and-crony jobs. “Unthinking” and “knee-jerk” are the key words. Even local university intellectuals often don’t know why they’re against what they say they’re against.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      To be fair the Cult of Climate Change ™ are the science deniers because there is a wide spread use of padding data, making up data and figures, and projecting outcomes without proof.

      That is the definition of denial of science.

  3. .45ACP+P says:

    Another difference: trigger control. The Beast is on her trigger. The lady is not.

  4. Cargosquid says:

    The fact that they used a known terrorist in the picture along with a normal American and that they CAN’T TELL THE DIFFERENCE says everything we need to know about them.

    And they don’t realize that. They continue to be mystified when they do not get grassroots support.

  5. Snobby says:

    The especially amazing thing is even after using this excellent write up of the differences, people completely ignore it in order to say they see no difference between the two. I guess disagreement with the opinions of the one in their mind makes her exactly the same as the other, not to mention I’ve seen the issue that they both have scary guns and assault rifles shouldn’t be legal in America brought up.
    I thank you greatly for your amazing write up, and I feel sorry for anyone trying to use the facts here to reason with someone who won’t see it.

  6. Pingback: Images of the Antis: A Correction and Expansion | Weer'd World

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