Images of the Antis: Us Vs. Them

Its a common trope of any bigoted group. Dehumanizing the other side. All one needs to do is look at Nazi/Soviet propaganda about Jews, talk to somebody who hates gays, or look at KKK literature.

The other side does all that they can to make sure that their opposition is less than human. That way the total extermination of that side seems justifiable.

Same goes for the zealots. I’m going to grab a full screen cap of this rather than just share the image:

baldr Dehumanizing

Look at the image, then look at Ceasefire Oregon’s own Jason “Baldr” Killgore.

Yep if you’re a hunter you’re a psychopath, if you teach children to hunt, you’re a psychopath and your children should be taken away from you.

Now think of how many people you know learned to hunt, and maybe even bagged their first game animal before they were in their teens. Now think of how many psychopaths you know. If you know ANY of the latter, is there any overlap?

For me there is no overlap, and oddly enough Jason’s statement that hunters don’t respect life is really laughable. I know a lot of people who think meat is created in little cuts at the grocery store, and get grossed out when you start talking about the parts of the departed animal it came off of. Hunters LIKE knowing the animal from field to plate because they know all the steps that happened, and the respect the work of getting a good steak or burger. Non-hunters will often see a steak or a burger no different than an apple somebody picked off a tree.

You can also go into the agony a hunter will go through when they talk about the deer they gut-shot and escaped, or the wounded animal they had to track for a mile, and needed to shoot it a second time, or hear their pleasure of harvesting an animal that dropped in its tracks before it even heard the gunshot.

Hunters take PLEASURE in avoiding the suffering of animals.

Hey, but its easier for them to be so bigoted if they don’t see us as human.

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10 Responses to Images of the Antis: Us Vs. Them

  1. Guav says:

    Unless Baldr is vegan, saying shit like that is just hypocritical.

  2. Phssthpok says:

    I can’t help but wonder if there’s a subliminal message in there given that the poor innocent woodland critter is a ‘coon.

  3. Braden Lynch says:

    Having recently taken up bow hunting I can attest that hunters respect their game far more than posers like B.O.

    I worked hard, spent money, and paid taxes that go to wildlife conservation, and so will not let the sport of hunting vanish due to bad management of this renewable resource. Those that disagree with me are ignorant at best and hypocritical at worst.

    Finally, let’s dispense with the nonsense of “innocent” wild animals. They have no moral component. Only man has moral considerations. Worship of animals and Gaia only demonstrates how warped these anti-hunters really are when they care more about a raccoon then they do about their fellow man. Just look at PETA and those that issue death threats against hunters. That speaks volumes about their values.

  4. Great Wall of Texas says:

    If you can get that close to a raccoon something is terribly wrong with it (sometimes rabies but usually distemper) and the humane thing to do is put it down.

    Over twenty years ago as a youth, I worked in a slaughter house in east Texas. I guess that means I somehow missed my calling as a serial killer.

    • Jake says:

      If you can get that close to a raccoon something is terribly wrong with it (sometimes rabies but usually distemper) and the humane thing to do is put it down.


      Frankly, it’s more worrying that a parent would let a kid that young get that close to a raccoon, for exactly the reason given above, than any worries about killing “an innocent living being” turning her into a murderer!

      • Weerd Beard says:

        Resolution isn’t high enuough to see exactly what the raccoon is doing. Could be in a foothold trap, might be already shot and the kid is putting another into it for “Practice”.

        Either way the message they’re sending is loud and clear.

  5. Bob S. says:

    Meanwhile the antis want to use guns in the hands of government officials to enforce their view of morality.

    Government officials who have shown repeatedly to be willing to kill animals (countless family pets), to kill bystanders — accidentally of course (hey, they were trying to shoot a bad guy on a crowded street, acceptable losses), to kill innocent home owners (OOPS Wrong address), to kill people who don’t move fast enough (10 seconds from roll up, to order to drop a toy, to dead child).

    But the antis hands are clean; just like in food production, they don’t do their own killing so all is good.

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