Is This REALLY An Issue???

Thirdpower links a story of severe pants-shitting hysteria:

I love the sound bite from the teen who cites “Weekly shootings in high schools”. Nope, it just isn’t true or happening. First up, the MAIG numbers were a fabrication with many of the shootings being criminals being criminals NEAR schools, or done on school grounds in the wee hours of the morning with no students around, or simply suicides that happened on school grounds, not “Rampages” and also the fake numbers cover ANYTHING that is remotely a “School” from Colleges to any place NEAR a school.

Still even if you take the BS at face value, it still doesn’t make a lick of sense. I mean when you’re dealing with criminals like drug dealers or gangland soldiers they generally aren’t BUYING their guns, they’re stealing them, and when they DO use a straw buyer to get guns from an FFL, is that FFL always in close proximity to where they do their shootings?

Same goes with the headline news spree killers. Many of them buy their guns legally, but did they do it close to where they did their shooting?

Also even if tempted to check out the shop, how far are these kids going to get? One of the local shops I frequent is about 200 yards from an elementary school, I’ve had to stop for buses with their light flashing after buying a new gun when heading home, yet I never see kids not attended by an adult in the shop. I suspect unattended kids would be quickly asked to leave simply because they aren’t going to be making any purchases so there isn’t much point in them taking up space in the shop, and the risk that they might shoplift a box of 9mm just to show their friends.

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One Response to Is This REALLY An Issue???

  1. Jack/OH says:

    Why, whenever I hear the anti-gunners bleating, do I hear a 1914 Prohibitionist, belly full of elitist self-righteousness and blindly utopian urges, “That bottle of beer, that glass of wine, that flute of Champagne . . . . That’s only for getting drunk!” Thanks for allowing me a vent.

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