Listen to Aunt Joan!

Joan is giving us all some advice to adhere to!

The first question is why must people carry guns around wherever they go? They are obviously inconvenient when trying on clothes, going to the bathroom, sitting down to eat, packing for trips, while sitting in cars, and all of the other stupid and dangerous incidents I write about.

See? Just don’t carry those guns! It’s TOO DIFFICULT!!! Just don’t bother!

You know what else sucks? Seat Belts! They’re too much work, just don’t wear them! Also when you come to a red light or a stop sign just blow through it! Your time is valuable, don’t waste it waiting in traffic! Plus when you’re idling you’re killing mother earth with your car exhaust!

Oh and Condoms suck! Just don’t wear them, it isn’t worth it!

Now I can’t admonish Joan too much, she’s griping about some idiot leaving a S&W642 on top of the TP holder in a public bathroom! Seriously people! I carried a 642 for years, and now still occasionally carry my Ruger LCR .357, but I keep them in my pocket where it really doesn’t interfere even when I’m doing a sit-down operation in the public latrine. Still these guns are small and light, and I don’t see them as being much of an issue even if you carry it on a belt holster.

You need to think of all you are going to do while carrying when you pick your carry rig. It’s been a while since I’ve carried my 1911 because the days when I can carry I spend a good bit of time crawling on the floor after my daughter. This can lead to a gun jammed into your ribs if you have a shoulder holster, so instead I make a small sacrifice and carry a pocket gun.

Still that’s one reason why I love pocket and shoulder carry. It doesn’t matter where your pants are, the gun is still concealed. When I go to my Doctor’s I pocket carry. When it’s time to be examined I simply drop my pants to the floor and put them with my other belonging where I can see them and have control over them. No awkward conversations, no safety issues. I do weigh a few pounds heavier on the scale, but it’s a small price to pay for safety.

For those of you who do the larger guns on the belt, here’s a great video!

Joan and I agree that taking your gun off when you use the bathroom is stupid and dangerous. Her solution is to ban guns, and make carry illegal, my solution is more training and education.

Which is “Common Sense” to you?

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13 Responses to Listen to Aunt Joan!

  1. Allen says:

    She cares so much, doesn’t she.

  2. Bob S. says:

    Guess Joan has gotten psychic or she cares even less about details:

    It’s unclear if the gun’s owner had a concealed weapons permit.
    Yet here she is blaming a ‘permit holder’.

    But let’s answer her question as if she was serious:
    The first question is why must people carry guns around wherever they go?

    — Police in Corona were asking for the public’s help in identifying a man who kidnapped a woman from a Wal-Mart parking lot and sexually assaulted her.
    – Avon police arrested a man Sunday morning, accused of abducting two women and a baby at gunpoint from the Avon Walmart parking lot.
    — Police said a woman with a disability was raped inside a Dickson Wal-Mart store, and her child was with her at the time. The victim has cerebral palsy, and police said she was raped in broad daylight while she was shopping. “She couldn’t run due to her condition,” said Dickson Police Cmdr. Eddie Breeden.

    Or perhaps because the criminals don’t mind the hassle of carrying a gun
    — The Charlotte Harbor man who robbed an Englewood man at gunpoint in in the parking lot of the Walmart Super Center Thursday morning has been arrested, according to a Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office news release

    Even if they don’t carry a gun; doesn’t mean they are unarmed
    — A 46-year-old man has been arrested for allegedly beating an elderly man to death with a baseball bat at a Lakewood Walmart store.

    –A homeless woman faces attempted murder and hate crimes charges after she allegedly beat a man and his 4-year-old daughter with a lug wrench because they were Asian American.

    Why do I carry a gun to stores Joan? Because I want to come home to my family.

    It is amazing the safety standard that antis think we should be held to – never an accident, never a forgotten firearm, nothing that could scare anyone — it is almost as if they are trying to set an impossible standard and hold people to it.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Yep, also notice how the antis NEVER want to talk about the DECLINING violent crime rate in America over the last decade. Really they seem to be doubling down with their anecdotal evidence to CONCEAL that America is safer than it has ever been in our lifetimes, while the gun laws have gotten MORE lax.

      If they cared about public safety they wouldn’t be burning so many calories trying to conceal the reality of public safety.

  3. Jack/OH says:

    I read the linked articles. Below the 642 article is a comment: “It’s this guy, and countless others just like him, who wonder why we want gun control . . . .”

    I’m wondering what article the commenter read. What I read was a guy who’d foolishly left personal property in a store. The property was reported to a store manager, who secured the property. The property was turned over to the police, and it looks like it’ll be restored to the owner’s possession. Where’s the problem requiring Second Amendment repeal, or more burdensome statutes?

    I’ve been following Weer’d’s links to anti-gunner sites. I’m looking for an anti-gun argument that grabs me, and pretty much says I ought to re-examine whatever I was thinking. All I’m seeing is half-thoughts, half-baked arguments, I’m right-you’re wrong preening, politics-as-therapy stuff.

    Joan waxes about Spain’s very low homicide rate. Why go to Spain? We have (I think) something like 3,500 counties in the U. S., maybe 180,000 political precincts, and I suspect a fair number of them record 0 homicides in a year despite American rates of gun ownership. If guns cause homicides, how do the anti-gunners explain guns that seem to not cause homicides?

    • Weerd Beard says:

      And how many of the counties that have the high rates of “Gun Death” and “Gun Violence” already have laws similar to many of these “More Civilized” European countries?

      I’ve had Euros say “Of course you say you NEED guns, America is under a hail of bullets”, of which I glibly reply “Only the parts of it that have gun laws similar to Europe”.

      • The_Jack says:

        And that depends on the European country.

        Once you discount England plenty of European nations (Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, Finland, Norway, Czech Republic) allow gun ownership.

        Course they limit it to well… entertainment. You can have a gun for fun, but not to protect yourself.

        Though Germany and Italy (if memory serves) and Czech Republic have conceal carry, course in the first two you have to be rather connected to *get* a permit.

  4. Jack/OH says:

    Thanks Weer’d, The Jack. What I think I’m seeing is a real need to re-popularize old-fashioned lawful gun culture among ordinary folks. Get a dozen Hickok45s as surrogate speakers to work high schools, colleges, county fairs, any event or location that’ll invite ’em. Give people a ripping half-hour popular lecture on firearms: history, technical stuff, marksmanship, collecting, home defense, concealed carry, law, gun etiquette and safety, Second Amendment, John Browning, Samuel Colt, gun accessories, calibers–everything you can reasonably squeeze in. Follow up with 10 minutes of demonstration shooting, 10 minutes of Q & A, and maybe distribute a bare-bones pamphlet on the responsibilities of gun ownership and use. (Beretta, I think, has something like a pamphlet online.)

    You need the right people, you need organization, you need money. But, I think a public education campaign showing that firearms are good and interesting things will do a lot to cut the anti-gunners’ mystification and demonization efforts down to size. Thanks for letting me comment.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      The reality is that guns are an American thing, and even if laws are passed you can’t get rid of all the guns, so the best solution for safety is public school teaching.

      We teach kids about stranger danger, and not to let people touch them in inappropriate places, how to look both ways while crossing the street, and not to run with scissors.

      I don’t see why gun safety is any different.

      Especially the “Stop, don’t touch, leave the area, and find and adult” taught by Eddie Eagle of the NRA.

      • The_Jack says:

        Because Abstinence Only Education isn’t dopey when it’s about guns!

        Actually, in seriousness, abstinence only education *does* acknowledge sex exists.

        Though they do think sex should only be done by people with special government permission slips!

  5. Jack/OH says:

    Thanks. What I’m thinking is the gang-bangers, psychos, and anti-gunners are getting way too much press.

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