Mixed Feelings About This One

Backup Cameras Mandatory?

Automakers will be required to install backup cameras in most new vehicles by May 2018, a federal agency announced Monday.

… Automakers haven’t been previously required to include these systems but NHTSA did recommend it, saying it can save many deaths and injuries from backover crashes. There are nearly 210 backover deaths each year, the agency said. About a third of those deaths are children, and many are caused by parents, it said.

Rear facing cameras, including those that automakers already offer, would save between 59 and 69 deaths a year, NHTSA said.

So my Ford Edge has an option for a backup camera. My unit doesn’t have the option mostly because it would have tied us to a higher trim package, would have forced us to have the terrible touchscreen interface which I consider downright dangerous as you need to constantly take your eye off the road to do basic tasks like turn on the radio or adjust the climate control, and for the little value it adds in my opinion the cost wasn’t worth it. My car DOES have a backup sensor which I think will do the job almost as well when it comes to backing over playing kids.

Still video cameras and LCD screens are getting VERY cheap so the cost is trivial when you note that even the cheapest new car is running north of $12,000. Still with any safety device you need to USE it for it to take effect, and people will STILL be negligent drivers especially when backing out of their VERY familiar driveway.

Also the slippery slope argument is REALLY obvious here:

“Today, the government has stepped forward as a strong advocate for cameras on cars, and this action helps pave the way for using cameras in other ways on vehicles,” the Auto Alliance said in a statement. It also pledged to ask “NHTSA to allow automakers to remove side-view mirrors and replace them with cameras that may expand side vision while increasing fuel efficiency.”

I’ve never seen a car with the side mirrors replaced by cameras, so I can’t comment on it much, but I will note that depending on where the screens are placed it may take the driver’s eyes off the road more than they should be. When I was learning to drive my Father caught me looking in my mirrors a lot, being new and green I wanted to gather as much information as possible, but my Father pointed out that the important stuff is happening directly out the windshield, and the mirrors are just for quick glances at critical moments like switching lanes or reversing.

In the end I see nothing wrong with adding GOOD technology to a vehicle for safety, but mandating for the ever-present “If it saves just one life” never really convinces me. Also technology can fail. My backup sensors have been clogged with snow making them worthless, I’ve certainly had my back window obscured by mud and dust, and I don’t see how a camera lens can avoid this. When technology fails the ancient technology of mirrors will likley still be working, and you MUST know how to use them.

H/T Mrs. Weer’d

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7 Responses to Mixed Feelings About This One

  1. Jake says:

    I’ve certainly had my back window obscured by mud and dust, and I don’t see how a camera lens can avoid this.

    Speaking from experience (all of our ambulances have backup cameras), this WILL happen, especially in bad weather.

    Just like with anything else, your brain is the most important safety feature.

  2. Bubblehead Les says:

    It’s not the Backup Cameras that I’m worried about. It’s the Interior Cameras that will be next to be proposed by the Nanny State…

  3. Cargosquid says:

    NHTSA to allow automakers to remove side-view mirrors and replace them with cameras that may expand side vision while increasing fuel efficiency.”


    Yet another thing to break. Mirrors work…..ALL OF THE TIME. No power needed. No connections. No tech needed.

    All this is mere cronyism that allows car companies to state that they are being forced….FORCED….to add mandatory items that increase the cost of the car.

    For our own good.

  4. Geodkyt says:


    Require all new passenger vehicles made after X to have back up cameras? No problem. Even in an economy model, the cost of the camera and display becomes a rounding error in the final price, due to economies of scale.

    Assume that backup cameras mean no mirrors? Oh. Hell. No.

    I like backup cameras, think they are really, really cool, and (if installed correctly) better than mirrors for safely backing up. I still want my mirrors, just in case. I’ve seen too many dashboard displays quit working while the car was still running and able to drive — my mirror will never blow a fuse.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      I 100% agree with you. Like I said in the post I looked at an Edge with a backup camera and it was really cool, and indeed better than mirrors alone. Heck Ford’s cameras put vector lines on the screen to show the width of your vehicle (likely with wiggle room if it behaves like the backup sensors…since I can’t back out of my own driveway without getting a warning even tho I have plenty of room) if you keep backing in the same direction, so you can place the lines inside a parking space and back in perfectly every time. AWESOME, just not worth it when we factored everything else in.

      Also yeah mirrors should be mandatory because stuff breaks and if you don’t have mirrors you can’t drive, so what do you do? Unsafely drive to the shop to have it fixed? Pay for a tow? Stupid!

      Still the people killed in backing accidents are almost always done in the driver’s driveway, a place where most drivers are so comfortable they often become complacent. I just can’t imagine this actually saving many lives

  5. TS says:

    The thing that bothers me is that it’s little stuff like this that end up sometimes killing off an import. It was the child passenger airbag automatic interlock that killed of the Lotus Elise/Exige- a truly wonderful car not used by soccer moms too much. Ironically, the nanny state Brits are actually much cooler about cars than we are. Hell, Morgan still makes cars out of wood!

  6. AZRon says:

    You can’t replace common sense, due caution and skill, with gadgets if you expect to save lives.

    The usual result is a more expensive product that does nothing for safety and is more prone to vacuum reliance.

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