More on the Fabrication of “Global Warming”

A great blog post with an ORGY of data:

USHCN has 1,218 stations in their database. Prior to 1990, they typically recorded temperatures at about 97% of these stations. But for some reason, USHCN has been reporting monthly temperatures at a smaller and smaller percentage of stations since 1990, and now about 30% of monthly temperatures are completely missing.

What NCDC does in those cases, is to fabricate temperatures for the missing stations. The graph below shows the percentage of stations which have fabricated data, which is increasing in a hockey stick.

Again this isn’t so much as some horrible communist conspiracy (tho more on that), this is at it’s root the same way a greedy butcher will place his thumb on the scale before quoting the price of your Christmas roast, or a contractor will install the cheapest crap in a building project where there is minimal oversight.

Groups like NOAA and NASA get funded based on the severity of the calamity of the hour. Be this declining fish stocks, the fragility ecosystem of the Spotted Owl, or the increase of global temperature due to carbon dioxide. You don’t hear much about Acid Rain anymore. When I was a kid, and as much into Biology as I was today every nature show seemed to weave in acid rain and it’s disastrous effects into it. Further you heard about the coming calamity of dead lakes and streams, as well as destruction of property, from biodiversity to crumbling concrete due to the increasing acidic environment.

Now Acid rain is indeed a real thing, it just isn’t that big a deal, and the worst problems were solved by regulating some really nasty emissions that caused MANY pollution problems, including making some really nasty acids in the clouds.

Still since our skin isn’t stinging when it rains, and our sidewalks don’t look like the floor of a soda factory, and wild lakes and streams are still filled with diverse life, funding still exists, but not at the huge monetary levels of the 1980s when the scare was at it’s peak. I’m betting many scientists are still around from when that cash cow was slaughtered, and are taking steps to, as our union thug brothers say “Don’t kill the job!”

Now comes the REAL conspiracy. Why are the politicians so hungry for a calamity, real or imagined? Well two reasons, #1. Fear sells, and they can get elected and raise funds by feel-good limousine liberals who are encrusted with guilt, but don’t actually want to change their lifestyle, they can do a secular form of tithing by donating to PAC of choice that claims it will stop people like them from killing the world without them actually having to stop what they’re doing that is killing the world.

But #2 is socialism. They are targeting carbon dioxide. The focus on this chemical is really odd to somebody with a science background because IT IS EVERYWHERE!!! Not only is it everywhere but life depends on it. Burn the above overpriced roast in the oven and the surface turns black…as does your grease in the roasting pan. That sooty back stuff is amorphous carbon. Where did that carbon come from? Well where did the roast come from? Well it started out as a cow, and that cow was made of a bunch of carbon-containing organic molecules. That cow started out as an relatively smaller calf. It drank Mom’s milk, and then started eating grass and began to grow. Mom made the milk from eating grass, and then bigger baby started eating their own grass. The grass of course is also made of carbon-containing organic molecules, the biggest component being cellulose, which we can’t digest, but ruminants like cows can digest. And the grass got the carbon to build those long cellulose chains from photosynthesis which uses solar energy to chain together carbon molecules from Carbon Dioxide.

Just about everything from living things growing to dead things rotting, or events like burning stuff ends with carbon dioxide, and the cycle continues. When it comes to people we make a ton of the stuff collectively just by digesting food, growing, and dying. Now some of us create more than others by doing more stuff. A bodybuilder creates more CO2 than my daughter because he’s bigger, and those muscles need more energy to grow and lift heavy things. Bodybuilders eat a LOT of food. Just look at the products targeted to body builders. You’ll see lots of stuff loaded with calories and protein, it’s fuel for the massive engine that is a muscular body.

And then there is real fuels and energy. If you drive a car, or operate a fleet of trucks, or run a factory you’re burning a lot of fuel to keep the wheels a turning, and there’s where the Marxists see their end game.

Wealthy people are wealthy because they produce stuff, be it industrially or simply by making movies and playing sports ball. Marxists HATE the wealthy, and in the end there’s a pretty good correlation between your “carbon footprint” and how productive you are, and the Marxists have found a link between carbon and this theory that is at it’s root The Greenhouse Effect.

Now this is a legit theory, but the controversy comes with how well it scales up to complex systems like the environment of our planet. Science be damned! Politicians simply buy scientists by only buying the “Right” data, and there we have what leads to much of the data being collected being fabricated.

Don’t kill the job, there are Koch brothers we need to kill!

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3 Responses to More on the Fabrication of “Global Warming”

  1. TS says:

    Funny thought: about the worst thing you can do to increase carbon emissions is to end poverty.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      You wouldn’t be wrong. We all complain about gas prices. Right now it’s right around $2.50 a gallon here, which is nice (tho I still remember filling up my ’91 Ford Ranger for 86c a Gallon) but my lifestyle is no different than when gas was over $4 a gallon.

      Still if you’re poor that difference is HUGE, let alone people who can’t afford a car, or a second car, or drive a cheap compact car when they’d rather have a beefy SUV.

      Or people who have the heat set to 60 when 75 would be just peachy!

      Thankfully leftists want to end poverty by paying unskilled and unreliable labor $20 an hour, which will not only “end poverty”, but will make the “Middle Class” look an awful lot like living below the poverty line.

  2. Kermit says:

    See Larry Niven’s “Fallen Angels” and John Ringo’s “Road to Damascus” for examples of where these socialists want to be. Distopia, but with them at the top.

    Also, both contain great examples of the kinds of pseudo-science, educational destruction, rabble-rousing, and propaganda the leftists like to use.

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