More “Red Team” Gaming

Miguel has a great video up

A pro-gun activist enters an anti-gun protest and hands out information fliers to the protestors. One of the activists slings insults and follows him and attempts to collect the fliers unread to be destroyed.

Now you can see some of the activists actually hang onto the fliers and read them, while most simply hand the over unread.

I watched this video directly after reading a bunch of anti-gun blogs to see what they’re talking about.

This is common behavior by the anti-gun side. Hell just look at how often the Arthur Kellerman study is cited by the antis. Not only is this study so old that the data can be argued as being obsolete, but it was just a terrible study that took skewed variables and attempted to mash them into an agenda.

I’m not even going to bother to cite any of the countless rebuttals on why the Kellerman study was so bad, I mean a quick google search will come up with dozens of them. You will never find an anti-gun site showing any flaws in these refutations. Probably because they’ve never read them or listened to people refuting them, and then every time an anti-gunner wants to tell us how dangerous guns are when kept for self-defense, out comes Kellerman.

There’s a reason why our side is winning.

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One Response to More “Red Team” Gaming

  1. Darren says:

    Your favorite parasite here (I’m the guy in the video). Thanks for embedding my video. Read more about the incident at my blog:

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