Quote of the Day Allen

From an amusing post over at Miguel’s. Miguel was amused that Mom’s Demand Action’s “Boycott” of Kroger now involves them buying stuff. He was also amused that she posed for her little photo op in the Beer aisle.

I was scratching my head at her slapdash cart loading. Who does that?

Still Allen noted something I should have seen:

How old are her kids? 50?

Again something I’m always noting that there is almost no fresh blood in the anti-gun movement. When you see a “Moms Demand” protest it’s really Grandmoms Demand. Essentially these are the same anti-gun people who were pushing for the Gun Control act of ’68.

Meanwhile our side has this:

Obviously done by anti-gun journalists, but really they don’t seem to really push the message too hard. Young kids enjoying the shooting sports and understanding our rights…OH NO! The best they could get was being told to not film the children in the kids section of the NRAAM, which I assume is just because kids can’t give consent to being filmed so it would be unethical to film the kid gathering spots.

Still look at that video, kids of all ages, and parents right in that 25-35 Demographic, rather than the anti-gun side which seems to have, minus a few outliers, the 65-coffin demo in spades.

Of course we have old-timers too, just they weren’t taking the Brown Acid at Woodstock.

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8 Responses to Quote of the Day Allen

  1. wizardpc says:

    The local MDA chapter here is run by the mon of one of the guys I went to high school with.

    I’m 34.

  2. Allen says:

    I’m a star! Anyway, I love your blog, weerd.

  3. C. S. P. Schofield says:

    The anti-gun twits weren’t at Woodstock, they’ve just told the story they made up about being at Woodstock so often they believe it.

  4. The_Jack says:

    “I was scratching my head at her slapdash cart loading. Who does that?”

    People who don’t do their own grocery shopping?

    • Allen says:

      I wonder if she actually bought any of that stuff.

      • Weerd Beard says:

        There was talk on the various anti-gun websites that the way they should leverage their demands would be to fill up a cart withe expensive meat and frozen goods and then abandon the cart and complain to the management that they allow people to exercise their rights in the store and freedom makes their poop all runny.

        Tho since she added the positive spin that the manager that she likely never talked to said he hated guns too, Uncle Mike in New York probably payed for her random hodge-podge od shit, plus whatever she grabbed for beer and wine that she didn’t want to show to the camera.

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