Sean Penn: The “Progressive” View on Gun Owners

So the world is talking about Sean Penn and his guns:

Anderson Cooper hosted the evening and gave the night’s biggest donation: His auction bid of $1.4 million won a sculpture to be made by artist Jeff Koons from Penn’s 65 discarded firearms.

Sixty-five discarded firearms, you say? What necessitated such a gun dump, you ask?

Apparently the idea to get rid of all of his guns was that of his new girlfriend, South African actress Charlize Theron.

“A strong woman who happens to be from South Africa” convinced Penn to unload his weapons, Penn said at the gala, according to E! Online.

Theron has a tragic history when it comes to gun violence. She was just 17 when her mother shot and killed her father after he reportedly fired his own gun and threatened to kill her.

“Being provoked by this aforementioned strong woman and considering how liberating of bulls**t and ugliness it would be not only get rid of the guns I have in the continental United States but also to destroy them, Jeff Koons and I had a chat the other day,” Penn said. “The highest bidder gets every single one of my guns put in the hands of this iconic artist and sculptor…Koons will decommission [and] render inactive all of my cowardly killing machines.”

OK first up, Penn owns 65 guns? I don’t even think Jay owns that many!

And who is Penn? Why a Marxist “Progressive” with a violent history.

The relationship was marred by violent outbursts against the press, including one incident for which he was arrested for assaulting a photographer on a film set; Penn was sentenced to 60 days in jail in mid-1987, of which he served 33 days.[15] Later in the marriage, Penn was charged with felony domestic assault, a charge for which he pleaded to a misdemeanor.[16] Penn and Madonna divorced in 1989.

Despite these criminal charges that should disqualify him from owning guns, let alone get a may-issue California Carry Permit, he got one!

Penn admitted to using marijuana 20 years ago and had a couple of arrests for assault and driving recklessly, factors that could have disqualified him for a permit for carrying a concealed weapon. In this case, however, Penn got FBI and state Department of Justice clearance and completed firearms training early last year.

Then, earlier this month, someone stole Penn’s car with the guns inside while Penn was at a Berkeley restaurant. The car was recovered — but the guns are still out there.

You see rich “Progressives” live under different standards than us plebeians!

Still the greater points besides his apparent criminal ownership of guns, and negligence by the FBI clearing him.

Charlize Theron is so low down that she’d let Penn chuck his meat in her?

Of course I guess her shitty family life might be to blame….but she appears to have some issues, as her Mom saved her life with a gun…so she hates guns???

Also by Penn describing guns as “cowardly killing machines”, is he calling his girlfriend’s heroic and hard-luck Mom a coward???

This story would be good if I actually belied that violent and hateful Penn was destroying ALL his guns, but he’ll probably keep a few to do something stupid.

Still “cowardly killing machines”, yet Penn just beats people up, and hasn’t killed anybody…but he is a coward.

The big takeaway is that “Progressives” always claim that gun owners are violent cowards itching to harm innocent people with their guns. This is ONLY true if the gun owner himself is a “Progressive”.


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