Some Global Warming Bullshit Musings

It only took me about two hours to clear my driveway. I have no idea how I got it done so fast with the snow as thick and heavy as it was. Still I’m thankful.

While I was clearing the snow I thought about Global Warming Climate Change, and all the scandal and bullshit. Really Michael Mann should be doing time for defrauding the government with his cooked numbers and bogus graphs.

Still one thing popped into my mind, something you hear old New Englanders talking about: Indian Summer!

An Indian summer is a heat wave that occurs in the autumn. It refers to a period of above-normal temperatures, accompanied by dry and hazy conditions, usually after there has been a killing frost. Depending on latitude and elevation, it can occur in the Northern Hemisphere between late September and mid November, though the term is used as widely as early September through January.

January the term is generally referred to around here as a “January Thaw”, we had a few of those punctuated with BRUTAL subzero temperatures and snow. What we didn’t have was an Indian Summer.

This term is an OLD one, used well before the industrial revolution which is often to blame for “Global Warming” or whatever term is used today. Funny how “Climate Change” was even happening in the 18th Century and even before that….

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3 Responses to Some Global Warming Bullshit Musings

  1. AZRon says:

    Indian Summer = racist!
    Global climate denier =facist!

    Just last year in February, we had a string of sub-freezing temps in the Phoenix area. I shut off the water main and opened the lowest hose bib to prevent my pipes from bursting. That meant that I went 5 days without running water. I dug a hole in the backyard to take care of my bodily waste, put on an extra sweatshirt, and made coffee with cheap beer.

    Adapt, improvise and overcome.

    It’s not that hard folks.

    In reality, I would advise against making coffee with cheap beer, it tastes like shit.

  2. bluesun says:

    I’m not gonna lie–I could go and fire up the ol’ Kubota and scrape off all the snow from the driveway (I am NOT going to do it all by hand), but I’m just putting my truck in 4wd to get out. “We have the technology” and all that.

  3. Damien says:

    Adrian Vance has a bunch of great pieces up on his blog which refute the anthropogenic global warming claims. He has also reposted this from Ace of Spades:

    Michael Mann vs Mark Steyn (and others). It should be a good, revealing, show.

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