That’s a LOT of UFOs!

There has been a TON of voter fraud unearthed in NC!

State elections officials in North Carolina are investigating hundreds of cases of potential voter fraud after identifying thousands of registered voters with personal information matching those of voters who voted in other states in 2012.

Elections Director Kim Strach told state lawmakers at an oversight hearing Wednesday that her staff has identified 765 registered North Carolina voters who appear to have cast ballots in two states during the 2012 presidential election.

Strach said the first names, last names, birthdates and last four digits of their Social Security numbers appear to match information for voters in another state. Each case will now be investigated to determine whether voter fraud occurred.

Brought the MSNBC segment to light:

“There have been a lot of studies on this,” Reid began. “There are a lot of studies that show, literally, you’re more likely to be beamed up into a UFO or struck by lightning than find in-person voter fraud.”

Man that takes a LOT of UFOs or a few REALLY big ones

Follow the link to watch the video. The proponent notes EXACTLY what I always point out. You simply cannot function in modern society without a valid photo ID. You can’t drive a car, you can’t rent a car, you can’t board any form of mass transit. You generally will have a hard time buying tobacco, alcohol. You’ll have a damn near impossible time seeking gainful employment.

If you’re not employed you’ll not be able to collect public assistance, or retirement benefits. And getting a valid ID is CHEAP and easy.

Voter fraud is the ONLY reason why Democrats are opposed to voter ID.

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3 Responses to That’s a LOT of UFOs!

  1. me says:

    Well, yes.

    Do you suppose that the Democrats would ever compromise and agree to the principle that purchasing a firearm from a licensed firearms dealer should require the same type of identification as voting or signing up for El Güelfare, and vice versa?

    I’m guessing that the answer is: no, never. And I’m guessing that it’s because your conjecture about their motivation is exactly correct.

  2. Every time this comes up in the local rag, I always tell the naysayers to find one person, legally in this country, that doesn’t have a ID. They are now wanting to give the illegals ID, for our safety of course. Because if you give a illegal a drivers licence, they will automatically become better, more responsible drivers.

    • Archer says:

      “They are now wanting to give the illegals ID, for our safety of course. Because if you give a illegal a drivers licence [sic], they will automatically become better, more responsible drivers.”

      That and revenue. The fees to obtain a license aren’t much individually, but multiply that by millions of illegal immigrants. Plus, licensed drivers can be tracked down and forced to buy auto insurance, on penalty of *gasp* losing one’s license. More auto insurance policies mean more money changing hands, meaning more taxable income, and thus more taxes.

      “Progressives” are, in my experience, after two things: money and power. Each leads to the other, and both lead to control.

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