The Election: The Good The Bad and the Ugly

Sorry I’m late to the game, but I was busy as hell yesterday.

So in Massachusetts things were overall good. We had a bunch of ballot initiatives that all went the way I wanted with the exception of mandating that business supply sick time for workers. Even that one I won’t lose much sleep over. Politically I don’t think the government has much business telling people how to run their enterprises, and I don’t see humanity as stupid slaves that can’t seem to pick a good job over a bad one.

In Maine Republican Paul LePage won again. Maine is in a lot of trouble, it’s a dirt poor state filled with entitlement Democrats who want to pull money from thin air. LePage is a business executive, and has become nationally famous for smacking around spoiled brats for demanding stuff the state can’t afford.

They also had an initiative on banning bear baiting, which went down in flames. Really this was simply and anti-hunting campaign and I’m glad it got smacked.

The GOP now fully controls the House and Senate, that’s great, but I’m not going to go all Utopia, as there are a lot of idiots in the GOP, still fresh blood has always been a good thing for the GOP where there are more and more fractures between the old guard and the new blood on what direction the party should go.

Also Maryland, Illinois, and Massachusetts are now helmed by Republican Governors!

Also I haven’t followed it much, but I guess there were a few Marijuana bills that passed. Any damage to the War on Drugs is good for America.

The bad. Washington State had their background check bill pass handily. More on that later. John Hickenlooper won re-election, tho by a thread. Also Al Franken, won re-election. He’s not THAT bad, but I personally don’t like him.

The Ugly. Well Massachusetts had their Governor’s run-off between two losers. Squishy RINO Charlie Baker won handily, he might be fine, or he might be another Romney. Still Martha Coakley possibly lost her last bid for public office. Also Richard Tisei lost his bid for Congress, which made me sad, still John Tierney lost in his Primary, so we got a “Progressive” in the seat, but a first-term Congressman is better than an entrenched criminal.

Scott Brown lost in New Hampshire, which is always awesome, but he really lost to a Monster. Maybe that Republican Majority will be able to weed out the Obama criminal acts and have her fall before her term is up, or maybe New Hampshire will simply smarten up and elect somebody who truly represents that state.

Mitch McConnell won re-election. Again, old and entrenched is ALWAYS bad, still he beat this…THING!

That’s her “Concession Speech”. Man it plays like she wrote just an acceptance speech, and when the numbers were in she said “Fuck it” and took a victory lap anyway. This strikes me as nothing short of Scoiopathy, so I guess Kentucky voted correct.

Anything I miss?

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One Response to The Election: The Good The Bad and the Ugly

  1. Archer says:

    We got a black eye in Oregon. ALL of our incumbents for Governor or U.S. Congress got re-elected. All but one Representative are Democrats.

    In the state races, we had a good turnout – some were REALLY close – but we still got beat. We lost one pro-gun Republican to an anti-gun Democrat in the Senate (ouch!), and an anti-gun Republican lost to an anti-gun Democrat in the House (no real loss for gun rights, there), but it means we’re actually BLUER after this election than we were before.

    Now that the antis have majorities in both chambers (we had a pro-gun Democrat or two, so even in a blue chamber it was even on gun rights, before) AND the governor’s office, CeaseFire Oregon and the local Brady chapter are promising to enact everything they want – their entire wish-list – including the kitchen sink. If they do, we’ll end up worse off than Washington State. Or Connecticut. 🙁

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