The Worst Holiday

Well given my current job is baby wrangling, I will not be joining my co-workers in a day-off due to President’s day, but I will have some relief as the wife also has the day off.

I ALMOST get the idea of celebrating the Birth of Washington, and like the efficiency of rolling it into the nearby celebration of Lincoln’s birthday. I mean one of the big issues with this country is nobody actually wants to work anymore, so why would we want MORE days when the government grinds to a halt? Still its not like a President is something to celebrate. I’m glad we have them, and I love our three branch system of government, but the idea to me of President’s day is a stupid as “Legislator Day”.

Further while Washington is probably the most deserving of celebration, he was a man who COULD have been king, or Emperor. In stead he held a single term and then retired.

President’s day reeks to me of “The Kings Birthday” celebrations in other nations I want no part in.

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3 Responses to The Worst Holiday

  1. GMC70 says:

    Actually, Washington served 2 terms, a tradition that held until FDR and is now in the 22nd Amendment. While I join your distaste for what has become the imperial presidency, Washington was not that at all, and was truly the “indispensable man;” had there not been a George Washington, there may not have been a United States at all. His role is that central.

  2. Joel says:

    why would we want MORE days when the government grinds to a halt?

    Is that a serious question?

    • Weerd Beard says:

      It actually is! I’m not talking about days that congress gets off, they already have plenty of those, and holidays really are just a drop in the bucket. I mean days when the post office is closed, days when banks are closed, days when no trash pickup happens, days when you can’t apply for licenses and permits, days when courts are not in session.

      It really is a big deal!

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