Why I’m Not a Republican

The news from CPAC is really solidifying how much I hate the body of the modern Republican party:

McCain, as well as Romney and Bob Dole were horrible Republican candidates who gave easy victories to “Progressive” candidates, and for this RINO to hop on MSNBC and complain about Cruz for his valid statements is beyond deplorable.

I like Cruz, and I really like Rand Paul, but sadly they are a Minority in the Republican party which is really fighting for GOP obsolescence and “Progressive” domination.

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2 Responses to Why I’m Not a Republican

  1. Jake says:

    Agreed. And here’s yet another reason I’m not a Republican.

    They’re starting the losing strategies early this time. There’s a reason they’re called the Stupid Party.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Oh yeah, CPAC is doing anything in its power to make me HATE them.

      Pushing RINOs as headline speakers, and telling groups like the Log Cabin Republicans that they aren’t wanted, and will be given no time.

      Still Rand Paul’s speech gave me goosebumps, and he’s my #1 pick for President…still with my recent track record of Duncan Hunter, Fred Thompson, and Hermon Cain (and Gary Johnson Got my vote in that election), he’ll be the first to be knocked out or simply not allowed to compete at all….

      Hell the deliberate actions of the GOP to keep Gary Johnson out of the Debates, and therefore out of the primaries is more of the same shit they’re doing to gays.

      Before I was very political I always equated “Libertarian” candidates on the same grounds as the various Communist party candidates under various names have been over the year, as non-serious unelectable candidates….but Johnson was REALLY strong…maybe not strong enough to upset the Gingrich/Romney machine, but he might have been viewed in the history books the same way Barry Goldwater is if he was ever allowed to mount the national stage.

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