Yet Another Reason for Me to Not Be a Republican

From Texas of all places. Man and I thought you guys were better than this crap!

With the new plank in place, the Texas GOP now recognizes “the legitimacy and efficacy of counseling, which offers reparative therapy and treatment for those patients seeking healing and wholeness from their homosexual lifestyle.”

Many health organizations, including the American Psychological Association, have condemned gay conversion therapy, and some in the GOP voiced concerns about the move in Texas.

“There’s a very, very small group of people who want to keep the party in the past. We were here today to try to pull the party into the future,” Rudy Oeftering, vice president of the gay conservative group Metroplex Republicans, told the Associated Press. “The only way the party can go into the future is to start listening to young people, to start listening to people who have gay family members.”

Yep, I’m no longer a Republican because of this crap.

The Texas GOP’s move is hardly representative of Republicans nationwide — Chris Christie, the Republican governor of New Jersey, signed a ban on gay conversion therapy last year, and a fierce debate rages in the party over how to approach issues of homosexuality.

Oh what a glorious endorsement from a “Progressive” pig like Christie. Sorry he isn’t a Republican, he’s a centrist “Progressive” and that means “Republican” in New Jersey, just like Michael Bloomberg was a Republican for several years in New York.

I am NOT a Republican, they stand for nothing I hold dear.

Rand Paul hears it too!

His comments came during an address to the Republican Liberty Caucus of Texas at the Texas GOP convention here. Liberty, he said, “infuses traditional conservatism with the excitement, the energy, the outreach that we need.” Libertarian views and traditional conservative values complement each other, Paul added.

“The interesting thing about it is, as I go around the country, no matter who I talk to, whether it’s the establishment — the wealthy who support our party sometimes — or the poor, people say it’s time, time for this libertarian moment, this liberty moment,” he said. “It’s no longer something that scares people, it’s what [makes] people say, we can’t run the same-old same-old, we’re not going to win with the same-old, same-old.”

Paul who’s for smaller government, against the war on drugs, against us going to war for crappy nations with no end game, and doesn’t have a burning hatred of the gays, means he isn’t a Republican either.

I think the GOP it too far gone to save, I say cut them loose and leave them behind!

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2 Responses to Yet Another Reason for Me to Not Be a Republican

  1. Joe in PNG says:

    I went from Libertarian to Republican myself, but mainly for the local primaries. I actually like to have a say in who my county & city people are going to be. Since Florida is a closed primary state, as a Libertarian I pretty much had zip until the big election.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Well when it comes to party labels I really don’t care. I do think the GOP under that name is now living under borrowed time as more of the stodgy old guard attempt to convert the heathens, and bash the queers, while pushing meaningless wars foreign and domestic.

      I will likely be voting for a “Republican” next election, but hopefully one that looks more like a libertarian. Also there is an openly gay “Republican” here in Mass running for John Tierney’s seat in Congress. He’s heavily endorsed by Reason Magazine and is a really impressive politician from all my interactions with him. I have voted for him every time his name is on the ballot.

      So I have no issue with somebody just because they have an “R” behind their name. Just like we point out that McCain and Romney and Christie really are RINOS, so are people like Rand Paul and Ted Cruz among others.

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