Another One For Joan

Often times when Joan has a totally rambling post, I simply skim it, and move on. These posts generally tend to be just a long list of completely unrelated gun events. She doesn’t even bother to tie them in, except to say “We need Common Sense Gun Laws”, meaning essentially full-on bans, or any incremental step thereof.

This latest one is no different, still I gotta go after a few of her points:

“Diaper bag necessities for the modern mother:

Diapers, check
Desitin, check
Wipes, check
Pacifier, check
Handgun, che…wait…WHAT?

Oh, yeah, freedom demands that every diaper bag have one. And dead infants are only counted as collateral damage by the anarchists.”

First up, I’m disgusted by Joan’s shallow cis-gendered hetero-normative view of family culture! I’m the one who lugs the diaper bag (and the gun) in this household!

And Yep, We went to the zoo today!

Since we were only gone for a few hours, I packed a small diaper bag, some water, some snacks, a pack of tissues, and a .45.

WHY WOULD I BRING A GUN TO THE ZOO! OK on a silly note, I chose the .45 on the whim that one of those bears got loose, but that was just a passing fancy, and not something to take much note of, as I carry a .45 most days. Still I have that little girl in my charge, and I’m the ONLY one responsible for her safety. Sure the Police and Zoo staff will make a good effort to keep her safe, but all of that is a fall-back.

Do I think she was going to be abducted or attacked at the zoo? No….but hey, this gun maybe weighed 1/16th of all the other crap I was bringing, so why not?

A mother, who was shopping with her two children, ended up firing a gun inside a busy Southaven store on Sunday.

It happened at the Bargain Hunt on Stateline Road.

Investigators say Stephanie Scrivener’s gun was inside a diaper bag when it fired.

She now faces charges for discharging a weapon within city limits.

Notice how “Gun Safety Advocate” Joan just simply casts aspersions on this poor mother….and also implies that somehow her child was injured, when it’s obvious nobody was seriously hurt. Remember every bad event must be a TRAGEDY to them…oh and every sensible comment from a responsible gun owner…like me taking a pistol to the zoo, is “Fear mongering”. Take a moment to look up psychological projection if you haven’t….

Now I’m not a monster just using this story for political gain. This REALLY sounds like a loose gun in a back. The gun MUST be in a holster! If you carry in a pocket, carry a pocket holster! If you carry in a bag #1 use a bag DESIGNED to carry a gun (or you could modify the bag to safely carry a gun…but do so with great caution and research) and #2, NEVER let that bag out of your control.

Also note that even tho nobody was hurt, and this appears to be a total accident, charges will still be filed, and potentially this young mother will never be able to own, shoot, or carry a gun ever again.

Joan of course wants more laws….you know that prevent parents like me from protecting my child, in the off chance it would have stopped this. I would point out that if this mother had been texting and driving, and put her car up onto the sidewalk near people, but not hitting any of them, she would get her driver’s license back in a short amount of time, and likely wouldn’t have any marks on her criminal background for say prospective employers to discover.

Not only does her current prospects seem a little grim, seems a little lenient on the car thing, doesn’t it? I mean there are PSAs EVERYWHERE about not texting while driving, I WISH there were media campaigns about proper holster selection, and the dangers of off-body carry!

Moving on!

I am updating this post to include a totally absurd and disturbing story about one of the workshops held at the recent NRA convention which was clearly outside the bounds of common sense and reality….It’s hard to know what to say. Raise your hand if you have heard of beheadings in the U.S. or ISIS members coming over the borders. The hypocrisy of this is that the gun lobby resists any attempt to keep guns away from known terrorists. But this kind of fear mongering is inexcusable and very dangerous. For the gun lobby, it drives people to the gun stores and that is exactly what they want. Crazy, insane, shameless, idiotic, stupid and dangerous. More myths and deceptions.

So she’s talking about somebody talking about the “No-go-zones” in Europe, and applying that to America. It’s been said that the no-go-zones are a myth, but let’s be honest, do police have MORE patrols in the crime centers of US inner-cities, or LESS patrols? I know in Boston it’s LESS, and many cities it’s the same. Don’t go unless it is a SERIOUS crime, because anybody in blue in those areas COULD be killed by the gangs no matter what they’re doing.

Still she wants us to raise our hands if we’ve heard about the US Jihad beheddings….well if you read this blog you should be raising your hand. And Isis members coming over the boarders….you mean like these assholes?

I’m sure in Joan’s mind, they don’t count….how does that make her look? Also I love the “keep guns away from known terrorists” nonsense. Joan is of course talking about the “Terror Watch List” which contains names of SUSPECTED Terrorists (Anti-freedom, not anti-gun, she hates due process as much as the right to self-defense) and a ton of names that are NOT suspected Terrorists, but allegedly names close to suspected terrorists…or something…hard to tell as the list is secret in both its content, and how names make it onto the list.

Instead of addressing a national public health and safety epidemic, the pundits and politicians and would be politicians are pandering and sounding crazier and crazier. How do you explain the speech at the recent NRA convention by someone who should know better- a Republican neurosurgeon trying his darndest to curry favor with the gun rights crowd? Here is what Dr. Ben Carson said ( and I don’t make this stuff up):

“I spent many a night operating on people with gunshot wounds to their heads,” Carson said. “It is not nearly as horrible as having a population that is defenseless against a group of tyrants who have arms.”

No words.

I’m sure Joan has LOTS of words, she’s one of the “Progressive” thinkers who wants us disarmed, and defenseless. She’s also the one who points out guns can NEVER be loaded, and probably never should be owned because MURDER WILL HAPPEN!!!!! and we can’t relax any stupid gun laws because THE STREETS WILL RUN RED WITH BLOOD!!!11!! But of course if you want to carry a gun with you when you go out with your family, you’re a paranoid lunatic, and probably a racist to boot!

And she closes with this:

Really? The shooting of 20 first graders doesn’t justify doing something to strengthen our gun laws and have a national discussion about gun violence? Inexplicable and shameful. These are our babies and our children. We need to protect them from evil for sure. The evil is that the corporate gun lobby is preventing us from stopping people who shouldn’t have guns from getting them anyway. The gun lobby would rather arm the people who teach our precious children than prevent the shootings of them in the first place through common sense measures like background checks, safe storage of guns, strengthening trafficking and straw purchase laws.

So Joan is invoking Sandy Hook AND “background checks, safe storage of guns, strengthening trafficking and straw purchase laws.” in the same breath. Can they even hear themselves!

“I cut my finger yesterday! This means we need to enact common sense laws that make driving the Chevy Volt Illegal!!!”

Joan’s political plan of action is essentially to state something bad, then state something she wants. WTF?

Those are the “sins of evil” and yes, they do justify restricting those who are not law abiding. But Rubio is echoing the nonsense of the gun lobby when he says these laws would restrict law abiding citizens. He is wrong.

Said in the breath right after demanding laws that didn’t, or wouldn’t have stopped Sandy Hook, or any other mass shooting, but WOULD restrict people who have, and won’t do anything wrong.

Sorry Joan, but Lawful gun owners are the ONLY people gun banners like you care about!

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3 Responses to Another One For Joan

  1. Pingback: Anti Gun Nutjob…. | Freedom Is Just Another Word…

  2. Joanna Lang says:

    This Joan woman sounds silly and obviously has an obvious fear of guns. Just maybe if she was educated on guns she would feel different. she is coming in and trying to give expert advice but obviously has no education on guns. Therefore I don’t understand how anyone can take her seriously.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Joan is motivated by narcissism and hatred of people who don’t agree with her, or give her her way.

      So she doesn’t know about guns because “those people ” know about guns, and to be educated is to be “unclean” in her eyes, and political circles.

      And ant-gun people aren’t interested in facts or reality, what they want is somebody to repeat thier own dogmatic opinion back to them.

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