Images of the Antis: Disease

The antis are dumb, and they are dishonest:

Disease vs gun death

So first up we have a bad faith argument. Up until our recent kowtowing to anti-vaccine cultists, and “Progressive” views to illegal aliens and their children, Measles essentially didn’t exist in the United States. Most children had been vaccinated, and the virus can only survive in humans, so no infections, no virus. No virus, no deaths.

Still why don’t we look at a disease that is so common it isn’t even talked about on the news. THE FLU! (PDF)

2.5 MILLION deaths per year! When you go even further and note that about 17,000 of that 30,000 number are suicides, and the United States has a rather unremarkable suicide rate compared to other countries, many with deeply prohibitive gun control laws, we’re looking at a fairly small number.

And even with the 13,000 violent “Gun Deaths” in this country, it isn’t a fair comparison because the diseases CAUSE the death, but say in this story, where shootings were down, but murders (specifically stabbings) were UP, the guns cannot be said to CAUSE the deaths.

When we eliminate the measles vaccine in this country, we eliminate the deaths from the disease, and since the virus is an organism, not a cultural issue, there isn’t anything that would “Take it’s Place”. Antis focus on “Gun Death” because indeed if all guns disappeared, so would “Gun Death”, and even severely limiting guns in a country would diminish the “Gun Death”, that’s not looking at WHY person A shoots person B. VIOLENCE is the issue, and it has been shown time-and-time-again that when one tool is eliminated, but violent culture is not, different tools simply take the place of the gun.

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2 Responses to Images of the Antis: Disease

  1. Cemetery's Gun Blob says:

    Leave it haters to side up with anti vaxxer’s to push their own dumb agenda.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      I was going to pin a little anti-vax crap to them, but honestly this image could easily be interpreted as pro-vaccine. Hell it SHOULD be, the only reason why nobody has died of that horrible disease is because of the MMR Vax.

      I just stuck to the less debatable topics

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