Images of the Antis: Missing Link

You gotta love the HATE spewed by the antis:

Of course we need to have the gun-owner black-face…he’s not nearly as portly, but the proportionately small head and eyes as well as the expression give him a VERY dim witted look.

Still the big issue is what is missing. Yes there is a “Smart Gun” that is unlocked by a wrist watch transmitter. Yes there is some animosity in the 2nd Amendment field.

But what’s missing….well the anti-gun position. See anti gunners want these expensive, untested, and extremely low-production number guns to be the ONLY guns legal to sell or transfer in America.

So no matter what we think about these goofy little smart guns (Me personally, I think they’re overpriced garbage) the opposition to them is NOT that they exist, but that their existence triggers a legal mandate for them, and de-facto bans on all of the guns we own and prefer.

Yep, us gunnies are just SO dumb!

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6 Responses to Images of the Antis: Missing Link

  1. The_Jack says:

    I swear, sometimes it seems that half the rage the Antis have against gun owners is not that gun owners disagree, it’s that gun owners see though the Anti’s charade.

    It’s a part of the doublethink that has lines like “Silly paranoid gun owners thinking smart guns would be made mandatory. Hey! We should ban all other guns!”

    Or “Nobody’s coming for your guns! We should totally ban these guns!”

  2. Bob S. says:

    Isn’t this a little rich coming from the folks who simply can not understand what the words “shall not be infringed” mean?

  3. TS says:

    Actually, the NJ courts ruled that the Armatix does not qualify as a “smart gun”, so their picture is mislabeled. It’s just plain old dumb.

  4. Tom in Wisconsin says:

    I have no problem with this technology as long as it is mandated to be used by all government agencies for a 20 year trial period, during which no other weapons will be used so that a true test could be conducted. I am sure that the companies, along with their share/stake holders, believe in their technology enough to provide this at no charge as they would not want to be seen as scamming the taxpayers.

    Treasury Department, DoJ, all police departments, any security agency working for the government in any capacity, the works. Any gun control advocate that would not go along with this could be seen as the hypocritical pile of trash that they are.

    My 2 cents.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      The pushback from law enforcement is the HUGE tell. As a general rule people who carry rarely lose control of their guns, and when guns are stolen or otherwise have unauthorized access from 3rd parties in the home, it’s reasonable to assume that the watch transmitter or whatever biometrics are likely to be defeated.

      Who REALLY stands to benefit from this technology is Police as they frequently (in relative terms) lose control of their weapons while interacting with suspects.

      But again, they know what we all know…these guns are designed NOT to be shot, with putting rounds down range as a novelty bonus feature, and that’s EXACTLY the opposite that people who carry guns for self defense want their gun made.

    • Chris in TX says:

      Please, I beg you, make that Federal Agencies only. My dept’s gear issue/approval system is screwed up enough as it is, they don’t need any more good ideas.

      Honestly, give it some Game Wardens in Texas and Alaska to test for about 5 years. If it works after the shit they put their equipment through, then MAYBE it’s good enough to be put on the market.

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