Images of the Antis: Not Anti-Gun, Anti-RIGHTS!

Have a look at this load from Bloomberg:

Note the wording, which is factually correct. SUSPECTED terrorists. Think about that for anything else. Do we imprison people for being SUSPECTS in a crime? Do you fire an employee because you SUSPECT they’re stealing from the till, or doing an incompetent job?

We have a thing in this country called Due Process, and the “Progressives” HATE it. Now I will note we DO often JAIL suspects of a crime, sometimes wrongfully, and people with a pending felony criminal case or warrant are not allowed to own, buy, or carry guns. If the person is not convicted of the crime, their rights are restored.

But think about that a little bit. OK some somebody is a SUSPECTED Terrorist, but yet the justice department, or even local law enforcement can’t find something to charge them with? You know what I call that “Suspected Terrorist”? A Free Citizen!

Bloomberg is all big on putting a grown man in a balaclava with an AK-74 in some “urban jungle” setting, but let’s face it, THESE ACTUAL terrorists can be at least CHARGED with various crimes.

The “Suspected Terrorists” Bloomberg is interested in Disarming looks more like this:

“Meet Mikey Hicks,” said Najlah Feanny Hicks, introducing her 8-year-old son, a New Jersey Cub Scout and frequent traveler who has seldom boarded a plane without a hassle because he shares the name of a suspicious person. “It’s not a myth.”

Michael Winston Hicks’s mother initially sensed trouble when he was a baby and she could not get a seat for him on their flight to Florida at an airport kiosk; airline officials explained that his name “was on the list,” she recalled.

The story also never points out who the “Real” “Michael Hicks” might be, or why he’s a concern to national security. Of course this young boy isn’t a threat to anybody, but the bigger issue is that the grown man who shares his name, and therefore has blacklisted ALL people with that common name, probably isn’t a threat to anybody either.

Hey, but the anti gunners don’t care about any of this. The secret government watch list is bloated, filled with false positives, and difficult to contest. Add in that it claims to be “watching” “Terrorists”, when really it is just hassling innocent people, makes it an ideal target for them to ban guns.

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4 Responses to Images of the Antis: Not Anti-Gun, Anti-RIGHTS!

  1. Dwight Brown says:

    You know who else was on the terrorist watch list at one point?

    Ted Kennedy.

    Insert your own joke here. I have to run to a meeting.

  2. Jack/OH says:

    I’m not much into “suspect lists”, “presumptive suspects”, “watch lists”, “do not fly lists”, or what-not lists that seem to me ends-around legal process. I’m older these days, and am aware of way too much self-justifying misconduct by police and government.

  3. Thirdpower says:

    Are they dragging that old chestnut out again? The same thing that even the ACLU opposes?

  4. AuricTech says:

    Bloomberg is clearly a fan of the opening narration of theStar Wars fanvid “Troops“:

    “All suspects are guilty, period. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be suspect, would they?”

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