Images of the Antis: The Big Lie

Man this has got to be the WORST version of this stupid meme refuted here:

NRA Convention Guns

So yeah, Since the NRA Annual Meeting is NOT a gun show, and it is forbidden for exhibitors to sell firearms during the meeting, and there are over 70,000 people handling these guns over the weekend, the rules are for all exhibitors to render their display firearms inoperable (generally by removing the firing pins).

Of course it is implied that they BANNED GUNS…nope those are real guns, just without firing pins.

And of course this only applied to EXHIBIT firearms, with the exception of the North Carolina convention back in 2010, which was not NRA policy, but State Law (which has since changed) all NRA conventions have allowed people who are lawful to carry on the street outside of the convention to carry inside the exhibit hall.

Hell this photo was taken in the press office of the NRAAM the following year!.

And of course there is nothing new about ANY of these rules…so the “Just banned” implies yet another lie.

THis is so wrong, it’s Fractal wrongness!

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3 Responses to Images of the Antis: The Big Lie

  1. Cargosquid says:

    I was there.

    Saw A LOT of guns on hips.

    Its not that the anti’s lie. Its that they do is sooooooo poorly.
    Its getting embarrassing.

  2. Archer says:

    I may have heard wrong, but my understanding was that the NRA does not make it a rule to require that exhibition-floor (display) firearms be rendered inoperable. However, as it is a REAL “common sense safety” measure, the manufacturers and exhibitors do it anyway, voluntarily.

    How about that? People behaving responsibly, no rules required? The antis would say, “Unpossible!!!”

  3. pete says:

    It’s something for them to point at and laugh. That’s all that it has to be. Sure it’s misleading, a paper-thin sham, but to the active anti-gun side there is no reason for that to matter because it’s still effective and the good cause justifies any rhetorical shenanigans.

    Those of us who are not zealots and have some understanding of trade shows and/or firearms could say “Hey, they let people with fully assembled guns in, the rule was just for the exhibitors, they probably had rules about sound volume of audio media, use of extension cords… helium balloons maybe.” We could say “A gun being used as an exhibit that different people are supposed to walk by and handle might be kept in a little different of fettle than a personal gun, it’s no big deal.” We could point out that shooting ranges like shooters to keep the breech open on guns left on the bench, thus that private-venue-specific rules can exist without being hypocrisy or a concession to the anti-gun narrative.

    But then we’d be explaining, which is a weak, guilty-looking position to be in.

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