
So a “Progressive” blogger I enjoy reading (but don’t encourage through links or name mentions) has disappeared. I strongly suspect this blogger has uncontrolled bipolar disorder, where he CONSTANTLY posts disjointed and foolish posts for a period of time, then vanishes. I suspect this if the cycling of a manic phase due to his mental illness.

So that lead me down a wiki-wander on Bipolar disorder, and I stumbled upon this:

Pressure of speech is a hallmark of mania and is often seen during manic periods in patients with bipolar disorder. The pace of the speech indicates an underlying thought disorder known as “flight of ideas” where the information going through the person’s head is so fast that it is difficult to follow their train of thought.

People with schizophrenia, as well as anyone experiencing extreme anxiety, may also exhibit pressure of speech. Pressure of speech usually refers to the improperly verbalized speech which is a feature of hypomanic and manic illness.

Pressure of speech has commonly been observed in people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Hmmm, I suspect that’s the origin of the stutter many of you may have noticed in my podcasts. It’s not a true stutter, as I tend to repeat individual words, and not single syllables.

When I’m talking about something I’m passionate about (such as podcasts, or debates) my thoughts are racing and I want to get them all out, but my voice can only go so fast, and there comes the stutter.

And for those that don’t know, or couldn’t guess, I have ADD (I was diagnosed in the 80s before ADHD became the standard diagnosis, plus I’m not hyperactive in any way).

So yeah, those listening to podcasts, the stuttering will continue! 🙂

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2 Responses to Oops!

  1. Chad says:

    Having listened to you for a while, and having met you in person a couple times, I don’t even really notice.

  2. LMB says:

    Yeah, don’t you hate that? I sometimes get really into talking about something and I feel frustration that I can’t get everything out nearly fast enough.


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