Quote of the Day: Thirdpower

Never thought of it this way:

So by Joan and Jason’s definition, you are now a ‘victim of gun violence’.

Joan’s sister was shot. She wasn’t anywhere near it when it happened, but she’s a “Victim of Gun Violence”.

Jason Kilgore of Ceasefire Oregon was at a mall when some dude who he barely knew was shot while he was shopping at the Mall.

Of course the post Thirdpower, I was pissed at Joan for declaring the Boston Marathon Bombing because there was some gunplay in the resulting manhunt after the bombing.

Hell in the same post, she even called the Oklahoma City Bombing “gun violence”:

And then, of course, we shouldn’t overlook the Oklahoma City bombing by gun extremist Timothy McVeigh on April 19, 1995 that killed 168 and injured 680. McVeigh was a gun rights extremist and militia member who was anti-government. In an interview with McVeigh years after the terror attack he admitted to the same rhetoric we hear from today’s gun rights extremists:

Yep, since he liked guns, his fertilizer bomb was “Gun Violence”.

Of course I could NEVER be a “Gun Violence Survivor” who stands for loser gun laws, because I’m the wrong type of dude!

Still their claims are meaningless, as are their goals.

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2 Responses to Quote of the Day: Thirdpower

  1. Jake says:

    According to the criteria Joan uses (except when it fits her narrative to use different criteria, of course), I’m a victim of gun violence because I was one of the EMS providers who responded for the Virginia Tech shootings – even though I got stuck setting up the secondary staging area and never saw a patient.

    Admittedly, that’s a horrifying feeling of helplessness, to be sitting there, trained and waiting to help, and not being able to do anything. But I’m certainly not a “victim”.

  2. Jack/OH says:

    That mooshy, fuzzy, gauzy “victimology narrative” is the source of a whole lot of rhetorical and political mischief. Our local Leftish folks use that “victimology” stuff to seduce and sedate potential supporters into propelling them into political office and patronage appointments.

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