Tonight on the Squirrel Report we’ll be talking the whole “Confederate flag thing”, as well the Pope being a goofy Marxist.
Since Amazon and several other retailers are banning products that bear the Battle Flag of the Confederacy, but not products that have communist symbols, or Nazi crests, our call-inn topic will be ” tell us what popular thing you’d like to see banned because it personally offends you”
Call in at 9pm EST 214-530-0036 and Join us for THE SQUIRREL REPORT!!!
Funny, a few years back Georgia had a state flag with a blue vertical field with the seal of Georgia centered in it and the the left of it was Lee’s battle flag. Liberal dipshits decided it was time for it to go and got rid of it without asking any of the residents of the state. The dipshits replace the flag with an illegal flag. A few years and lawsuits go by and the Georgia flag is replaced again. This time with a flag that looks a lot like the First National flag of the Confederacy but with the Georgia seal instead of the stars.
Let the ignorant leftist denounce the battle flag. I like the First National Stars and Bars better. I am also OK with the current Georgia flag.