The Vultures Circle Pt II

Just AMAZING how twisted the Anti-Gun Democrats are.

Hillary Clinton is stepping up:

Hillary Clinton grew emotional on the campaign trail Monday while introducing a mother whose child was killed during the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.

…Hockley went on to tell the story of losing her son in the shooting and her efforts to push gun control legislation.

Clinton unveiled new proposals to rein in gun violence in details released overnight, which included closing the background check loophole for gun shows.

So Hillary is dragging out the Mom of a Sandy Hook victim to push legislation that had NOTHING to do with Sandy Hook….Sounds pretty classy to me!

From Bloomberg’s The Trace:

More than 47 years before last week’s shooting at a community college in Roseburg, Oregon, Senator Robert F. Kennedy passed through the town on a presidential campaign stop and spoke about the need for stricter gun control measures.

…The bill in question prohibited these three groups from receiving guns via mail order. His brother, President John F. Kennedy, was killed with a gun purchased through the mail. Robert Kennedy was also shot and killed, less than two weeks after his appearance in Roseburg.

What he’s talking about is the Gun Control Act of 1968 which is still in effect today…and wouldn’t have slowed down President Kennedy’s Assassin for a moment.

Also let’s note that the antis weren’t happy with GCA 68, they decided it was too weak and easily defeated. They demanded we take it a step further and get a Brady Background Check to verify that they are who they claim to be. Now today they again demand more power to this law, and demand Universal Background Checks…like the law on the books in Oregon, which they are leading with to tug on your heart strings.

How many fuck-ups do they think they can stack before we get something that works? Two wrongs don’t make a right….but do 6 wrongs?

Are they that stupid, or just think WE are?

And more stupidity from The Trace:

n Thursday, around the time a mass shooting was unfolding at a small community college in Oregon, Lisa Moore, an English professor at the University of Texas, was leading a protest against guns on campus. She’s one of the founders of Gun Free UT, a group that sprang up in response to a controversial campus-carry bill that narrowly passed in the state legislature in May.

Funny how they state that Utah Texas Campus carry “Narrowly Passed”, but they don’t seem to want to point out that Bloomberg’s own Background Check law in Oregon (again the law that didn’t prevent ANY violence) also narrowly passed.

So a professor is protesting in the Aftermath of a shooting on a campus that forbid guns….to protest a law that allows guns on campus in a state that has NEVER seen a school shooting???

She have any logic to this?

Shortly afterward, Gun Free UT — which consists of faculty, students, staff, parents, and alumni — put together a petition on, with the hope of sparking a mass movement against the law. So far, nearly 2,500 people have signed the petition, and the group has acquired almost 1,000 Facebook followers. About 200 UT faculty members have pledged to refuse guns in their classrooms. UT chancellor William McCraven, a former Navy Seal, had earlier spoken out against the measure, saying, “I want to make sure that we make our campuses as safe as possible. And the addition of concealed weapons on campus just [doesn’t] seem like a good idea to me.”

Good luck repealing the law, especially in the wake of these school shootings, and in a super gun-friendly state as Utah Texas. Also notice how they mentioned the Chancellor is a Former SEAL (BTW idiots, SEAL is an Acronym, so it’s spelled with all CAPS), but this is from the same website that said that no matter how well trained a combat vet is, they’re too fucking stupid to carry a pistol concealed! Pick one, are the military members experts in weapons and tactics, or are they essentially special-needs students who can ONLY preform tasks they have VERY SPECIFICALLY been taught to do?

I teach gay and lesbian studies. When I first got here in the early ’90s, I had an office on the ground floor of the English building, and I had a lot of posters up advocating for gay rights. One day, someone broke into the office, burned my gay rights posters, and then wrote “depravity kills” all over the windows. It was scary enough for me to know someone was willing to commit a serious act of vandalism. Were it the case that someone could have brought a gun into my office, during office hours, I think I wouldn’t have been able to do my job.

More recently, during the semester after the Virginia Tech shootings in 2008, I was teaching an LGBT literature class. Sometimes the class riles up students, and I had a student that semester who believed, among other things, that gay people were going to hell. After a while, I guess as a kind of protest, he started coming to class and lying on the floor. He also started posting things online about not doing the reading and said that he would stop other students from doing the reading. I got nervous and went to my supervisor, and it turned out this student had problems with mental illness and had, in the past, been taken out of other classes. Subsequently, he was removed from my class, and I wound up teaching the rest of the semester in an undisclosed location, with an armed guard stationed nearby.

So 20 years ago some activists painted some shit on your classroom, and in 2008 a nutty student disrupted a class, and you CALLED IN ARMED GUARDS!

So some student acted like a jerk and YOU brought in the guns….but you don’t want lawful citizens who carry EVERYPLACE ELSE carry in your classroom?

The classroom is a safe space, and we need security there. We need to be able to provide an atmosphere in which young people can become uncomfortable with certain ideas, and we don’t want someone who will, when they’re uncomfortable, be able to shoot off a firearm. These students are at an age when they’re still not fully in control of their impulses, and they’re away from home for the first time. They’re very vulnerable.

This is a PROFESSOR! WOW! Man those two events sure could have turned violent, but thanks to your “Gun Free Campus” rules that stopped them! Just like it stopped him, and Him, and him, and him, and Him, and him, not to mention the Oregon shooting she’s using for leverage!

Yep a student who’s willing to MURDER YOU over a difference of opinion will be stopped by a simple law that prohibits carry. You know, the same way that Illinois prohibition of firearm carry kept the gang bangers from going heeled in Chicago!

All the antis have to present is laws that are PROVEN failures!

Hey, but their feet are wet with blood, so give them what they want!!!

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4 Responses to The Vultures Circle Pt II

  1. Arizona Rifleman says:

    Minor correction: “Gun Free UT” is referring to the University of Texas, not Utah.

    University of Texas was the scene of Charles Whitman’s shooting back in the 1960s, where students grabbed guns from nearby dorms and returned fire, thus keeping him pinned down and distracted while the police bravely climbed the tower and directly assaulted him.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Thanks, Errors have been corrected. Thankfully since Texas and Utah are so gun-friendly that the context didn’t need adjusting at all!

      Also I was just talking about the police directing students to return fire to keep Whitman down this morning in a little gun politics discussion.

  2. Archer says:

    Facing a serious threat, she calls in armed guards.

    It seems she has no problem with guns on campus, or in her office, or in her classroom … as long as she gets to dictate who has the guns.

    Let’s say it again: “Gun control” is not about guns; it’s about control.

  3. mike w. says:

    I love the “students are at an age where they are not fully in control of their impulses.” Look, we either treat college students like adults or we don’t. And frankly, if we coddle them like they are children in perpetuity, they will act like children.

    Age doesn’t denote maturity or impulse control. I’ve known and dealt with 40 year olds, even 60 year olds who act like extremely hostile, emotionally labile 3 year olds. And I just love how she thinks that a Crazy person with poor impulse control will be stopped by a policy that says “hey nutso, you can’t bring a gun in here!”

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